Summary of the new feature / enhancement
Please consider building and releasing official Windows on Arm64 releases with easy to use MSIs for PowerShell. Windows on Arm64 has been supported for a while now and currently the only way to install it on Arm64 machines is through the zip package which is a manual process and not ideal. Windows Store releases are also not the way to go here (at least exclusively) because PowerShell has Store version-only bugs.
Due to the lack of MSI packages, many users may end up inadvertently with the x64 version which offers a subpar experience in performance. Further, scripts (like those that install other programs) running in the x64 environment may read system variables under emulation incorrectly and assume they're on an x64 system, further exacerbating the problem.
Proposed technical implementation details (optional)
Package and release MSI installer packages for Windows on Arm64 for all future releases.