is a programming language which is essentially Untyped Plutus Core (UPLC) with a little bit of syntactic sugar. pluto
is written in a Haskell-like human-friendly syntax. UPLC is an untyped lambda calculus with strict evaluation semantics.
is really nothing more than a syntax for writing UPLC directly. Why would you do that, you ask? Probably, the reason is that the Haskell to Plutus compiler's output was too big when you gave it your program as input. UPLC is the language which the Cardano blockchain runs. It is the language in which on-chain code is delivered on the chain. The size of on-chain dapp code is critical to the overall throughput of the network. Therefore writing this code in hand-optimized UPLC makes sense, if the results are significantly smaller than the output of the Haskell to Plutus compiler for a solution to the same problem. pluto
was written in part to test this hypothesis, that dapps can be optimized by rewriting their on-chain code directly in Plutus Core.
is experimental and almost entirely untested in practice. Expect bugs.
Your system must have Nix installed in order to build pluto
. Currently, there are no binary distributions of pluto
; you must build from source. See for instructions to install Nix.
To build pluto
as a flake, you must have Nix 2.4. You can install this on NixOS adding the following
stanza to your configuration.nix.
nix = {
package = pkgs.nixUnstable;
extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
Check that your nix --version
is at least 2.4pre.
To install flakes on non-NixOS, run this to get the latest Nix 2.4:
curl -L | sh
Then edit (or create) ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
to include the following line:
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
These usage instructions assume a pluto
binary is on your shell PATH
. If you ran nix build
, then there is a pluto
binary at ./result/bin/pluto
To print usage instructions:
pluto --help
To print usage instructions on a specific command:
pluto --help [command]
There are two commands: assemble
and run
takes Pluto source code and turns it into binary object
takes Pluto source code and executes it.
To get a feel for the syntax, take a look at some examples, in ./examples
Pluto has token-level (lexical) syntax and term-level syntax. First the text is lexically analyzed into a series of whitespace-separated tokens. Then the tokens are parsed into an AST.
The grammars below are written in semi-formal notation, a mixture of BNF-like notation and Perl-compatible regular expression notation.
Start ::= Whitespace* (Token Whitespace*)*
Whitespace ::= [\t\r\n] | OneLineComment | MultiLineComment
OneLineComment ::= "--" ([^\r\n]*[\r\n])
MultiLineComment ::= "{-" MultiLineCommentEnding
MultiLineCommentEnding ::= "-}" | . MultiLineCommentEnding
Token ::= "\\" | "->" |
| "!" | "#" | "(" | ")" | "Error"
| Integer | ByteString | Text | "True" | "False"
| "[" | "]" | "," | "." | "`" | "{" | "}"
| "data" | "sigma" | "=" | Builtin | "let"
| ";" | "in" | "if" | "then" | "else"
| Var
Var ::= [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
Integer ::= "-"? [0-9]+
ByteString ::= "0x" [0-9a-eA-E]+
Text ::= "\"" ( "\\" [\\rnt] | [^\r\n\t\\] )* "\""
InfixBuiltin ::=
"+i" | "-i" | "*i" | "/i" | "%i"
| "==i" | "<i" | "<=i" | "+b" | ":b" | "!b"
| "==b" | "<b" | "<=b" | "+s" | "==s" | "==d"
Builtin ::=
"AddInteger" | "SubtractInteger" | "MultiplyInteger"
| "DivideInteger" | "QuotientInteger" | "RemainderInteger"
| "ModInteger" | "EqualsInteger" | "LessThanInteger"
| "LessThanEqualsInteger" | "AppendByteString"
| "ConsByteString" | "SliceByteString" | "LengthByteString"
| "IndexByteString" | "EqualsByteString" | "LessThanByteString"
| "LessThanEqualByteString" | "Sha2_256" | "Sha3_256" | "Blake2b_256"
| "VerifySignature" | "AppendString" | "EqualsString"
| "EncodeUtf8" | "DecodeUtf8" | "IfThenElse" | "ChooseUnit"
| "MkCons" | "HeadList" | "TailList" | "NullList"
| "ChooseData" | "ConstrData" | "MapData" | "ListData"
| "IData" | "BData" | "UnConstrData" | "UnMapData"
| "EqualsData" | "MkPairData" | "MkNilData" | "MkNilPairData"
Start ::= Program
Program ::= Term
Term ::= Term0
Term0 ::= Lambda | Term1
Lambda ::= "\" Var+ "->" Term
Term1 ::= IfTerm | LetTerm | Term2
IfTerm ::= "if" Term2 "then" Term2 "else" Term1
LetTerm ::= "let" Binding ( ";" Binding )* "in" Term2
Term2 ::= InfixApply | Term3
InfixApply ::= Term3 InfixOp Term3
InfixOp ::= InfixBuiltin | BacktickInfix
BacktickInfix ::= "`" ( Var | Builtin ) "`"
Term3 ::= Term4+
Term4 ::= "!" Term5 | "#" Term5 | Term5
Term5 ::= Var | Builtin | "Error" | ParenTerm | Constant
ParenTerm ::= "(" Term ")"
Unit ::= "(" ")"
Constant ::= Bool | Integer | ByteString | Text | Data
Data ::= "data" ( Sigma | List | Map | Integer | ByteString )
Sigma ::= "sigma" Integer "." "[" Data* "]"
List ::= "[" Data* "]"
Map ::= "{" ( Data "=" Data )* "}"
Run nix-shell
(or nix develop
, if you prefer to use the flake and you have Nix 2.4) to drop yourself in the development shell. From here, you may launch your text-editor and get access to IDE support via Haskell Language Server, as well use cabal
to build and run the project.
For rapid compilation feedback cycle, Ghcid can be run as follows,
ghcid -T PlutusCore.Assembler.EntryPoint.main --setup ":set args run examples/hello.pluto"
To run specific tests (eg: tests on example) in Ghcid,
ghcid -c 'cabal repl spec' -T Main.main --setup ':set args "-p" example'
Does the style / lint check pass? With a clean checkout, run:
This will update the Haskell code with any changes from stylish-haskell. If you have a clean checkout and stylish-haskell produces no changes, then it will output any lint recommendations. Implement all lint recommendations, such that the above script produces no style changes no recommendations.
Do the tests pass?
cabal test
Do the examples compile?
nix-build && ./ci/
Currently, you must do all of these steps manually, or run the manual-ci
function inside a nix shell, as we do not have CI set up.
To run the HelloWorld example,
cabal run pluto -- run examples/hello.pluto 0x$(echo -n "Charles" | od -A n -t x1 | sed 's/ *//g') -v
Note here that:
- The
option dumps intermediate ASTs. Ignore it, to display only the script out. - We pass a bytestring to the script, as a Pluto literal (which represents bytestrings beginning with
). In general any PlutusData
value is accepted.
The echo example can be used to view the Plutus Data
representation of a given Pluto value, for example:
$ cabal run pluto -- run examples/echo.pluto '{ 2 = 43 }'
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (Map [(I 2,I 43)])))
can be used to evaluate a top-level binding with (optional) arguments that represented as a Pluto expression. For example, this command evalutes the greet
function from hello.pluto
by applying it with the two given arguments.
cabal run pluto -- eval examples/hello.pluto greet '"Bonjour"' '"Charles"'
Top-level variables can also be accessed by ignoring the arguments:
cabal run pluto -- eval examples/hello.pluto defaultGreeting
Note the distinction between run
and eval
in regards to the type of the arguments. run
expects a Plutus Data
value; eval
expects a Pluto expression.
To only assemble the Pluto program into a Plutus bytecode:
cabal run pluto -- assemble examples/hello.pluto
See examples/contracts/sample
for the sample "gift" contract, written in both Haskell and Pluto. This example includes QuickCheck ContractModel tests to test the contract using both Haskell and Pluto version. It demonstrates how to unpack ScriptContext
in Pluto.
To run the sample contract tests,
cabal run pluto-sample-contract
Pluto programs can be accessed and evaluated (via Plutus Core) from Haskell code as follows:
import qualified PlutusCore.Assembler.Types.AST as AST
import qualified PlutusCore.Assembler.FFI as FFI
hello :: AST.Program ()
hello = $(FFI.load "examples/hello.pluto")
$(FFI.bind 'hello
"defaultGreeting" [t|String|])
$(FFI.bind 'hello
"greet" [t|String -> String -> String|])
The above exposes the two top-level bindings from the hello.pluto program, using the given type declaration.
The data
keyword can be used to create lists, maps, and sigma types. For example:
x = data [1, 2, 3]
Plutus provides a number of builtins to work with Data
. For operating on lists, we have:
UnListData :: Data -> [Data]
(fails if the Data is not a list)HeadList :: [a] -> a
(fails if list is empty)TailList :: [a] -> [a]
can be used to "case" on lists
Higher-level operations on lists can be written in Pluto itself. For example, fibonacci.pluto
and sum.pluto
defines "fold".
$ cabal run pluto -- run examples/fibonacci.pluto 5
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (List [I 8,I 5,I 3,I 2,I 1,I 1,I 0])))