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Patrick Fong edited this page Nov 16, 2023 Β· 19 revisions


The CI does a lint check on Markdown and YAML using Prettier with out-of-the-box settings and fish_indent on fish code. Therefore,

  • if you are modifying any Markdown or Yaml files, run Prettier on the modified files
  • if you are modifying fish code, run fish_indent on the modified .fish files
  • you may want to just install a Prettier and Fish extension in your editor of choice to handle these tasks for you

...or your commits may not pass CI.

Code Conventions

Style Guide

  • if > and or or
  • test > [...]
  • Long forms of flags > short forms
    • Use short form for frequently used commands such as set
    • Note that MacOS utils often do not support long flags, in which case one should use the short option for cross-platform compatibility
  • Piping > command substitution
  • variable names should be snake cased


  • global variables that the user should not interact with should be prepended with _
  • keep variables functionally scoped


Fish code formatting is done via fish_indent, which is available as a VSCode plugin. Markdown and YAML formatting is done via Prettier, run with just the defaults.

Naming Conventions

All variables and functions should be named in snake_case. For variables and functions exposed to the user but not meant for the user to interact with, prepend an underscore in front of the name.



Run tests like so from the repository root

CI=true fishtape tests/**.fish

CI=true prevents config/ and fzf_configure_bindings from being skipped.

Feature development

Before opening up a PR to add a new feature, first decide if it'll be a good fit. The best way is to read the Design Philosophy page, which includes the criteria for new features. If you did and you still think it's a good fit, then go for it. Just be sure to update the readme and add tests.