[flake8] max_line_length = 88 ignore = # Unnecessary dict/list/tuple call - rewrite as a literal C408 # whitespace before ':' - doesn't work well with black E203 # missing whitespace around operator - let black worry about that E225 # inline comment should start with '# ' E262 # block comment should start with '# ' E265 # too many leading '#' for block comment E266 # expected 2 blank lines, found 1 E302 # module level import not at top of file E402 # line too long - let black handle that E501 # comparison to None should be E711 # comparison to False/True should be E712 # ambiguous variable name E741 # may be undefined, or defined from star imports F405 # trailing W291 # line break occurred before a binary operator - let black worry about that W503 # line break occurred adter a binary operator - let black worry about that W504 per-file-ignores = .cmake-format.py:F821