# Change Log All notable changes in the "BoletimEscolar" project will be documented in this file. #### How does versioning work? - Version tag (v) - [Major].[Deploy].[Patch] - `v1.10.100` Check [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/pt-BR/1.0.0/) for recommendations on how to structure this file. ## [Unreleased] - Initial commit from Create Next App - chore: Project setup - feat: Bi-monthly subscription component - chore: Unform - feat: School and student information - feat: Table component - feat: Turning html into image - refactor: Functions and styling ## [1.1.9] - 2023-05-01 ### Removed - `hello.ts` ### Changed - `.gitignore` ## [1.2.10, 1.2.11] - 2023-05-01 ### Changed - Changing classes to add custom colors in grades component in `index.tsx` file - `globals.css` ## [1.2.12] - 2023-05-03 ### Changed - Refactoring the css to tailwindcss in `tailwind.config.js` file - `globals.css` ## [1.3.13] - 2023-05-03 ### Added - `components/details/index.tsx` ### Changed - Added a sidebar in `pages/index.tsx` file - `components/form/input/index.tsx` - `types.ts` - `package.json` - `yarn.lock` ## [1.4.14, 1.4.15, 1.5.16, 1.6.17] - 2023-05-04 ### Removed - `favicon.ico` - `next.svg` - `vercel.svg` ### Added - `favicon.svg` - `HomePage-1366x768.png` - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `context/GenerateImageContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportContext.tsx` - `context/SidebarContext.tsx` - `useSchoolReport.tsx` - `useSchoolReportConfig.tsx` - `useSidebar.tsx` - `.editorconfig` - `next-sitemap.config` ### Changed - `components/details/index.tsx` - `components/input/index.tsx` - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `types.ts` - `_documents.tsx` - `_app.tsx` - `pages/index.tsx` - `next-sitemap.config` - `package.json` - `yarn.lock` ## [1.7.18] - 2023-05-06 ### Changed - `components/details/index.tsx` - `components/input/index.tsx` - Adding toggle theme in `components/sidebar/index.tsx` file - Adding typing in `types.ts` file - Applying provider theme in `_app.tsx` file - `globals.css` - `package.json` - `tailwind.config.js` - `yarn.lock` ## [1.8.19, 1.9.20, 1.10.21] - 2023-05-07 ### Changed - Adding 'Habilitar / Desabilitar' Component in `components/sidebar/index.tsx` file - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportContext.tsx` - Applying provider in `_app.tsx` file - Fixing the calculation of the results in `pages/index.tsx` file ## [1.10.22, 1.11.23, 1.12.24, 1.13.25] - 2023-05-10 ### Removed - `assets/cookie-texture2.jpg` ### Added - `assets/cookie-texture.jpg` - `assets/cookie-texture2.jpg` - `components/modal/cookieConcent/index.tsx` - `utils/providerTree.tsx` ### Changed - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `context/GenerateImageContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportContext.tsx` - `types.ts` - `_app.tsx` - `pages/index.tsx` - `package.json` - `tailwind.config.js` - `yarn.lock` ## [1.14.26, 1.15.27, 1.16.28] - 2023-05-11 ### Added - `LICENSE` - `CONTRIBUTING` - Images in `.github` folder ### Changed - Adding 'Imagens' Component in `components/sidebar/index.tsx` file - `context/GenerateImageContext.tsx` - `types.ts` - `README.md` - `.editorconfig` ## [1.17.29] - 2023-05-12 ### Added - `.well-known/security.txt` - `manifest.json` - `.nvmrc` ### Changed - `package.json` - `yarn.lock` ## [1.17.30, 1.17.31, 1.17.32] - 2023-05-22 ### Changed - `context/GenerateImageContext.tsx` - Added modal in `pages/index.tsx` file - `package.json` - Fixing color error in `tailwind.config.js` file - `yarn.lock` ## [1.17.33, 1.17.34, 1.17.35, 1.18.36, 1.18.37, 1.19.38] - 2023-05-24 ### Added - `useSwalTheme.tsx` - `utils/reactIconsImports.tsx` - `utils/converterText.tsx` ### Changed - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportContext.tsx` - `types.ts` - `pages/index.tsx` - `globals.css` - `README.md` ## [1.19.39] - 2023-05-26 ### Added - `components/infoIcon/index.tsx` ### Changed - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `types.ts` ## [1.19.40, 1.19.41, 1.19.42] - 2023-05-31 ### Added - `context/LoadingContext.tsx` - Saving data to LocalStorage in `context/LocalStorageContext.tsx` file - `useLoading.tsx` - `utils/isObject.tsx` ### Changed - `context/GenerateImageContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportContext.tsx` - Custom subjects can be deleted in inactiveSubjects in `context/SidebarContext.tsx` file - System theme in `useSwalTheme.tsx` file - `types.ts` - `_app.tsx` - `pages/index.tsx` ## [2.20.43] - 2023-06-01 ### Changed - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `context/GenerateImageContext.tsx` - `utils/reactIconsImports.ts` - `types.ts` - `package.json` - `yarn.lock` ## [2.20.44] - 2023-06-07 ### Added - `components/skeleton/pages/SkeletonHome/index.tsx` - `components/skeleton/index.tsx` ### Changed - `types.ts` - `pages/index.tsx` - `globals.css` ## [2.20.45, 2.20.46, 2.20.47, 2.20.48, 2.20.49, 2.20.50, 2.20.51, 2.20.52, 2.20.53, 2.20.54, 2.20.55, 2.20.56, 2.20.57, 2.20.58, 2.20.59, 2.20.60, 2.20.61, 2.21.62, 2.22.63] - 2023-07-04 ### Added - `components/schoolReport/index.tsx` - `components/skeleton/pages/SkeletonHome/index.tsx` - `components/skeleton/index.tsx` - `useTheme.tsx` - `utils/generateUniqueRandomNumber.ts` ### Changed - `components/details/index.tsx` - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `components/infoIcon/index.tsx` - `components/input/index.tsx` - `components/modal/cookieConcent/index.tsx` - `components/skeleton/pages/SkeletonHome/index.tsx` - `components/skeleton/index.tsx` - `context/LocalStorageContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportConfigContext.tsx` - `context/SchoolReportContext.tsx` - `utils/generateUniqueRandomNumber.ts` - `useSwalTheme.tsx` - `types.ts` - `pages/index.tsx` - `globals.css` - `.gitignore` ## [3.23.64] - 2023-07-08 ### Removed - `utils/generateUniqueRandomNumber.ts` ### Changed - Fixing initial charge with invisible card in `components/schoolReport/index.tsx` file ## [3.24.65] - 2023-07-08 ### Added - `CHANGELOG` ### Changed - `.github` - `HomePage-1366x768.png` - `package.json` - `README.md` ## [3.24.66, 3.24.67] - 2023-07-10 ### Added - Created color picker component in `components/colorPicker/index.tsx` file ### Changed - `components/schoolReport/index.tsx` - Added color picker for report card in `components/sidebar/index.tsx` file - `components/skeleton/pages/SkeletonHome/index.tsx` - `contexts/GenerateImageContext` - Saving colors - `contexts/LocalStorageContext` - `contexts/SchoolReportConfigContext` - `utils/isObject.ts` - `utils/reactIconsImports.ts` - `types.ts` - `_app.tsx` - `pages/index.tsx` - `CHANGELOG` - Added dependencies - `package.json` - `README.md` - Added dependencies - `yarn.lock` ## [3.25.68, 3.26.69] - 2023-07-13 ### Changed - Adding readability to hex color - `components/colorPicker/index.tsx` - `components/details/index.tsx` - `components/infoIcon/index.tsx` - Adding transitions - `components/schoolReport/index.tsx` - Adding animations - `components/sidebar/index.tsx` - `utils/reactIconsImports.ts` - `globals.css` - `CHANGELOG` - `package.json` - `README.md`