add dotnet nuget <add|remove|update|disable|enable|list> source
command #4126
Update on 2/6/2020 from @rrelyea:
Fixed with: NuGet/NuGet.Client#3206
Spec link:
Original text:
Moving from on behalf of @meichtf, @emgarten.
Steps to reproduce
try to add a username/ClearTextPassword in the dotnet restore --source command
Expected behavior
My nuget repository requires authentication and it is not possible to add a username/ClearTextPassword in the dotnet restore command for a source
Actual behavior
It's not possible to add a username/ClearTextPassword for a ..source
Environment data
dotnet --info
.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-preview2-1-003177)
Product Information:
Version: 1.0.0-preview2-1-003177
Commit SHA-1 hash: a2df9c2576
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.14393
OS Platform: Windows
RID: win10-x64