This plan captures our work in October. This is a 5-week iteration. We will ship our October Update in early November. After this iteration, there will be one more iteration this year. It will also be 5 weeks long, and we'll ship the November Update in the first half of December.
After our focus was limited on issue housekeeping, we now also look at features again. For example, we'll work on dynamic menubar and multi-line search support, and we'll explore more flexible workbench layouts. We also keep improving the GitHub Pull Request extension so that we are ready to meet you at Github Universe.
- October 29th, 2018: Code freeze for the endgame
- November 2nd, 2018: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #62045.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend of annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
🔵 | more investigation required to remove uncertainty |
⚫ | under discussion within the team |
- Improve screenreader support for focus changes in terminals Terminal: NVDA does not announce any information when a terminal gets added or deleted #52304 @alexr00 @TyriarImprove tabbing order in extensions view in screenreader mode Accessibility: Extension list items in the installed extensions treeview are in the tab order. #51496 @ramya-rao-a @sandy081
- Provide dynamic menubar support on all platforms Reenable dynamic menus on macOS in Insiders #58928 enable dynamic menu on linux/windows #59936 @sbattenAdd support for multi-line file search Support multi-line search for Global search #13155 @roblourensImprove sidebar/panel navigation Add
, a realeditorFocus
for each view #59858 @octrefImprove centered layout Bring back old Centered Layout behavior #53989 @isidornSupport option to emphasize modified editor tabs more Highlight modified tabs #26284 @bpaseroExplore a viewlet that shows search reference results make finding all references more user-friendly #22261 @jriekenExplore flexible panel/sidebar layout Investigate to rewrite workbench layout using grid widget #50853 @sbatten @joaomorenoNotifications - Revisit when a notification persists or disappears (related Hide notifications (info, warning) even when showing buttons #51013 Support command links in notifications #46571) @bpaseroSupport for 'Simple Full Screen' mode on OS X (do not open a new 'space') Simple fullscreen support #5344 @bpasero
- Support maintaining context when splitting terminals Allow split terminal to inherit working directory from previous terminal #48447 @alexr00
- Add new setting for clearing terminal when running a task Task>Presentation should allow to clear the terminal output. #30058 @alexr00
Source Control
- Allow
implementations to hide theSourceControlInputBox
SCM: Allow SourceControl implementations to hide the SourceControlInputBox #51808 @joaomoreno
- Use icons from file icon themes for completion items of kind
Path Completion: Use File Icon for suggestions #44860 @jrieken
- Adopt TypeScript maintenance release 3.1.x Adopt TypeScript 3.1.4 #60814 @mjbvz
- Multiple debug consoles, switch between outputs Switching between debugs outputs. #31377 @isidornCollapse skipped stack frames into one node Support collapsing stack frames #50334 @isidornLoadedScripts View support to show related resources, e.g. TS source for JS scripts LoadedScripts view: support to show related resources #62034 @weinandInvestigate in webpacking the node-debug extension Use webpack for node-debug2 #59237 @weinand @jrieken @roblourensF10 and F11 should start debugging with
 F10 and F11 should start debugging with stopAtEntry:true #49855 @isidorn
Extension Contributions
- 🏃 Sheppard performance improvement PRs through
Buffer performance improvements xtermjs/xterm.js#791 @Tyriar
- Provide sample search extension to get feedback on performance and API Publish test search extension #60207 @roblourens
- Custom tree view: Proposed API to expand/collapse tree items API to expand/collapse custom TreeItems #55879 @sandy081
- Custom tree view: Proposed API to support partial highlight of tree item labels TreeItem should support highlights #61313 @sandy081
- API finalization: query
- API proposals: query
- 🏃 Continue Electron 3.0 adoption, migrate local storage Explore update to Electron 3 #52629 @bpasero🔴 Tree widget performance improvements & filtering support @joaomorenoAdopt new tree widget in Problems view @joaomoreno @sandy081🏃 WinJS.Promise removal WinJS.Promise removal plan #53526 @jrieken team🏃 💪 Strict null checking VS Code Strict null checking VS Code #60565 @mjbvz team🔴 Perf - investigate into web pack bundling support for extensions @jrieken
- Overhaul extensibility documentation Plan for migrating VS Code API docs vscode-docs#1949 @octref teamNormalize samples Plan for normalizing samples vscode-extension-samples#110 @octref team
Deferred Items
- Allow for case-sensitive/insensitive file system providers Case-sensitivity and file system providers #48258 @isidorn
ryenus commentedon Oct 8, 2018
Is it possible to propose #42880 which allows quick navigation across recently edited files? Thank you!
MartinSGill commentedon Oct 11, 2018
I'm fairly sure you meant 'shepherd' not Sheppard.
Aamir2000 commentedon Oct 23, 2018
No New Features In This Update Just Fixing And Migration To Electron 3.0 ???? No New Features Are Going To Added ?????
Eskibear commentedon Nov 6, 2018
I think the issue ref is #50062
joaomoreno commentedon Nov 6, 2018
Actually it's #59976
3 remaining items