DEPRECATED: Newer versions of Angular are much easier to setup and maintain, use Angular CLI instead of this
Basic Angular TypeScript app for VS2017/VSCode, uses aspnet core, webpack, gulp, sass and yarn (optional)
Now available as a project template within Visual Studio.
I feel that webpack has reached a point where it's ease of use and power have overcome my old SystemJS-based setup.
That said, it still has it's uses, particularly anywhere webpack-dev-middleware cannot be used, such as in older 4 applications.
If you wish to use the old SystemJS-based version, it's available on npm under 1.x or on the systemjs branches on this repository.
You can download the master branch and use directly or (recommended) use the yeoman generator for this
npm install -g yo generator-angular-basic
yo angular-basic
This will ask a few questions such as project name and scaffold out your application ready for use
Special thanks to BrowserStack for allowing me to use their platform to test this project