;; test_swizzling.nu
;; tests for Nu method swizzling.
;; Copyright (c) 2007 Tim Burks, Radtastical Inc.
(class TestSwizzling is NuTestCase
(- (id) testInstanceMethodSwizzling is
(class Test1 is NSObject
(- (id) foo is "foo")
(- (id) bar is "bar"))
(set tester ((Test1 alloc) init))
;; before the swap
(assert_equal "foo" (tester foo))
(assert_equal "bar" (tester bar))
;; make the exchange
(Test1 exchangeInstanceMethod:"foo" withMethod:"bar")
;; after the swap
(assert_equal "bar" (tester foo))
(assert_equal "foo" (tester bar))
;; put them back
(Test1 exchangeInstanceMethod:"bar" withMethod:"foo")
;; now we should be back as we started
(assert_equal "foo" (tester foo))
(assert_equal "bar" (tester bar)))
(- (id) testClassMethodSwizzling is
(class Test2 is NSObject
(+ (id) foo is "foo")
(+ (id) bar is "bar"))
;; before the swap
(assert_equal "foo" (Test2 foo))
(assert_equal "bar" (Test2 bar))
;; make the exchange
(Test2 exchangeClassMethod:"foo" withMethod:"bar")
;; after the swap
(assert_equal "bar" (Test2 foo))
(assert_equal "foo" (Test2 bar))
;; put them back
(Test2 exchangeClassMethod:"bar" withMethod:"foo")
;; now we should be back as we started
(assert_equal "foo" (Test2 foo))
(assert_equal "bar" (Test2 bar))))