;; test_operators.nu
;; tests for Nu operators.
;; Copyright (c) 2007 Tim Burks, Radtastical Inc.
(class TestOperators is NuTestCase
(- (id) testMinOperator is
(assert_equal -5 (min (* 5 -1) 10 20 30 40 50000))
(assert_equal 40.0 (min 40.0 400.0 19992.5))
(assert_equal "a" (min "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"))
(assert_equal 'x' (min 'x' 'y' 'z')))
(- (id) testMaxOperator is
(assert_equal 50000 (max -5 10 20 30 40 (* 500 100)))
(assert_equal 19992.5 (max 40.0 400.0 19992.5))
(assert_equal "e" (max "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"))
(assert_equal 'z' (max 'x' 'y' 'z')))
(- (id) testAddOperator is
(assert_equal 3 (+ 1 1 -5 6))
(assert_equal "hello, world" (+ "hello" "," " " "world")))
(- (id) testSubtractOperator is
(assert_equal -3 (- 3))
(assert_equal 1 (- 4 2 1)))
;; turn this off by default; it's a good test, but it requires manual intervention
(- (id) dontTestTheGetsOperator is
(assert_not_equal nil gets)
(puts "\nPlease don't enter anything.")
(assert_equal (gets) ""))
(- (id) testIfOperator is
(set x 0)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t 'yes))
(assert_equal 'yes (if t (set x 1) 'yes))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t 'yes (else (set x 'error))))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t (then 'yes)))
(assert_equal 'yes (if t (then (set x 2) 'yes)))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t (then 'yes) (else (set x 'error))))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil (else 'no)))
(assert_equal 'no (if nil (else (set x 3) 'no)))
(assert_equal x 3)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil (set x 'error) (else 'no)))
(assert_equal x 3)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil (then (set x 'error)) (else 'no)))
(assert_equal x 3))
(- (id) testIfSugaredOperator is
(set x 0)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t then 'yes))
(assert_equal 'yes (if t then (set x 1) 'yes))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t then 'yes else (set x 'error)))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (if t then 'yes (else (set x 'error))))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil else 'no))
(assert_equal 'no (if nil else (set x 2) 'no))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil (set x 'error) else 'no))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil then (set x 'error) else 'no))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (if nil (then (set x 'error)) else 'no))
(assert_equal x 2))
(- (id) testUnlessOperator is
(set x 0)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil 'yes))
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil (set x 1) 'yes))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil 'yes (else (set x 'error))))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil (then 'yes)))
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil (then (set x 2) 'yes)))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil (then 'yes) (else (set x 'error))))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t (else 'no)))
(assert_equal 'no (unless t (else (set x 3) 'no)))
(assert_equal x 3)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t (set x 'error) (else 'no)))
(assert_equal x 3)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t (then (set x 'error)) (else 'no)))
(assert_equal x 3))
(- (id) testUnlessSugaredOperator is
(set x 0)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil then 'yes))
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil then (set x 1) 'yes))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil then 'yes else (set x 'error)))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'yes (unless nil then 'yes (else (set x 'error))))
(assert_equal x 1)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t else 'no))
(assert_equal 'no (unless t else (set x 2) 'no))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t (set x 'error) else 'no))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t then (set x 'error) else 'no))
(assert_equal x 2)
(assert_equal 'no (unless t (then (set x 'error)) else 'no))
(assert_equal x 2))
;; support for elseif was removed because elseif is easily confused with elif (Python)
;; and elsif (Ruby), etc. and because cond does the job anyway.
(- (id) dontTestIfElseifOperator is
(set x 1)
(set y 'true)
(assert_equal 'one (if (eq x 0) 'none
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else 'many))
(assert_equal 'one (if (eq x 0) 'none
elseif (eq x 2) 'two
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else 'more))
(assert_equal 'one (if (eq x 0) (set y 'none)
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else (set y 'many)))
(assert_equal y 'true)
(assert_equal 'one (if (eq x 0) (set y 'none)
elseif (eq x 2) (set y 'two)
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else (set y 'more)))
(assert_equal y 'true)
(assert_equal 'one (if (eq x 0) 'none
elseif (eq x 1)
(set y 'one)
else 'many))
(assert_equal y 'one)
(assert_equal 'one (if (eq x 0) 'none
elseif (eq x 2) 'two
elseif (eq x 1)
(set y 'two)
else 'more))
(assert_equal y 'two))
(- (id) dontTestUnlessElseifOperator is
(set x 1)
(set y 'true)
(assert_equal 'one (unless ((not (eq x 0))) 'none
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else 'many))
(assert_equal 'one (unless ((not (eq x 0))) 'none
elseif (eq x 2) 'two
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else 'more))
(assert_equal 'one (unless ((not (eq x 0))) (set y 'none)
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else (set y 'many)))
(assert_equal y 'true)
(assert_equal 'one (unless ((not (eq x 0))) (set y 'none)
elseif (eq x 2) (set y 'two)
elseif (eq x 1) 'one
else (set y 'more)))
(assert_equal y 'true)
(assert_equal 'one (unless ((not (eq x 0))) 'none
elseif (eq x 1)
(set y 'one)
else 'many))
(assert_equal y 'one)
(assert_equal 'one (unless ((not (eq x 0))) 'none
elseif (eq x 2) 'two
elseif (eq x 1)
(set y 'two)
else 'more))
(assert_equal y 'two)))