;; test_dictionary.nu
;; tests for Nu dictionary extensions.
;; Copyright (c) 2007 Tim Burks, Radtastical Inc.
(class TestDictionary is NuTestCase
(- (id) testSet is
(set d (NSMutableDictionary dictionary))
(d set:(one:1
"two" 2
(assert_equal 3 (d count))
(assert_equal 2 (d valueForKey:"two"))
(assert_equal "three" (d valueForKey:"three")))
(- (id) testCreate is
(set d (NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithList:(one:1
"two" 2
(assert_equal 3 (d count))
(assert_equal 2 (d valueForKey:"two"))
(assert_equal "three" (d valueForKey:"three")))
(- (id) testAutomaticAccessor is
(set d (dict "one" 1 two:2))
(assert_equal 1 (d "one"))
(assert_equal 2 (d "two")))
(- (id) testEach is
(set d (dict one:1 two:2 three:3 four:4 five:5 six:6))
;; test each: through everything
(set count 0)
(d each:
(do (k v)
(assert_equal (d objectForKey:k) v)
(set count (+ count 1))))
(assert_equal (d count) count)
;; test each: with break
(set count 0)
(d each:
(do (k v)
(if (eq count 3) (break))
(set count (+ count 1))))
(assert_equal 3 count)
;; test each: with continue
(set count 0)
(d each:
(do (k v)
(if (eq v 3) (continue))
(set count (+ count 1))))
(assert_equal (- (d count) 1) count))
(- (id) testMap is
(set d (dict one:1 two:2 three:3 four:4))
(set o (d map:(do (k v) (+ 1 v))))
(assert_equal (d count) (o count))
(d each:
(do (k v)
(assert_equal (+ 1 v) (o k)))))
(- (id) testLookupWithDefault is
(set d (dict "one" 1 two:2))
(assert_equal 1 (d objectForKey:"one" withDefault:3))
(assert_equal 3 (d objectForKey:"three" withDefault:3)))
(- (id) testShorthand is
(set d (dict a:12 b:23 c:34))
(assert_equal 12 (d "a"))
(set x "a")
(assert_equal 12 (d x))
(assert_equal 12 (d a:))
(d a:78 d:89 e:90)
(assert_equal 5 (d count))
(assert_equal 78 (d a:))
(assert_equal 89 (d d:))
(assert_equal 90 (d e:))
(assert_equal 11 (d a:11 b:22 a:))
(assert_equal 22 (d b:))
;; make sure that we properly evaluate key and value arguments
(d (+ "a" "a") (+ "b" "b") (+ "c" "c") (+ "d" "d"))
(assert_equal "bb" (d (+ "a" "a")))
(assert_equal "dd" (d (+ "c" "" "c")))))