I've loaded a GeoJSON polygon onto the map. I click and drag the map so the polygon is either partially or totally obscured, and then release the mouse. Then I click and drag the map so the polygon should be visible again, and then release the mouse. At this point, the portion of the polygon that was not visible does not get redrawn, but rather the polygon is simply closed with a joining line (or in the case where the polygon was completely obscured, nothing gets drawn at all). Not until I nudge the map again does the polygon redraw correctly.
Changing the clip padding doesn't make a difference. It only extends how far I have to drag the polygon past the viewport. When I drag the polygon back and release the mouse, it still doesn't redraw correctly.
Chrome Version 51.0.2704.84 m
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
Leaflet 1.0.0-rc2
This almost seems like a repeat of #2674, #2814, #2945, or #3128, except those all specifically mention not redrawing while still dragging, which I understand is for performance reasons. My issue is that it's not redrawing correctly after releasing the mouse.