Cerebro plugin to decode and encode buffer using base64 methods
base64 [method] [buffer]
- [method] -
look at [API](https://github.com/Krbz/cerebro-base64#api)
- [buffer] -
Any string, depends on method
Start typing 'base64' keyword. Cerebro searcher should render all methods.
- Encode Encodes a buffer to base64, returns encoded ascii string
$ base64 decode it's awesome
Should Render base64 buffer
= aXQncyBhd2Vzb21l
- Decode Decodes a buffer containing base64 string to ascii string.
base64 decode aXQncyBhd2Vzb21l
Should Render ascii buffer
= it's awesome
- Cerebro – main repo for Cerebro app;
- cerebro tools – package with tools to simplify package creation;
MIT © Krystian Błaszczyk