import re import datetime import subprocess optimal_solvers = [ 'CBS', 'ICBS', ] suboptimal_solvers = [ 'PIBT', 'winPIBT', 'PushAndSwap', 'HCA', 'WHCA', 'RevisitPP', 'ECBS', 'PIBT_COMPLETE', ] suboptimal_solvers_option = [ '', # PIBT '', # winPIBT '-c', # PushAndSwap '', # HCA '', # WHCA '', # RevisitPP '', # ECBS '', # PIBT_COMPLETE ] anytime_solvers = [ 'IR', 'IR_SINGLE_PATHS', 'IR_FIX_AT_GOALS', 'IR_FOCUS_GOALS', 'IR_MDD', 'IR_BOTTLENECK', 'IR_HYBRID', ] anytime_solvers_option = '-t 500 -n 10000' output_file = './result.txt' cmd_app = '../build/app' cmd_output = '-o ' + output_file optimal_ins = './benchrmark/optimal_random-32-32-20_30agents.txt' suboptimal_ins = './benchrmark/suboptimal_den520d_300agents.txt' anytime_ins = './benchrmark/anytime_arena_300agents.txt' def read_data(filename): r_solved = re.compile(r"solved=(\d)") r_makespan = re.compile(r"makespan=(\d+)") r_soc = re.compile(r"soc=(\d+)") r_comp_time = re.compile(r"comp_time=(\d+)") result = {} with open(output_file, 'r') as f: for row in f: m_solved = re.match(r_solved, row) if m_solved: result['solved'] = int( continue m_comp_time = re.match(r_comp_time, row) if m_comp_time: result['comp_time'] = int( continue m_soc = re.match(r_soc, row) if m_soc: result['sum-of-costs'] = int( continue m_makespan = re.match(r_makespan, row) if m_makespan: result['makespan'] = int( continue return result def run(ins, solver, option=''): cmd_ins = '-i ' + ins cmd_solver = '-s ' + solver + ' ' + option cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format(cmd_app, cmd_output, cmd_ins, cmd_solver) print(cmd), shell=True, encoding='utf-8', stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return read_data(output_file) def get_run_result(ins, solvers, options=[]): table_header = """|solver | solved | comp_time(ms) | sum-of-costs | makespan | | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | ---: | """ result_str = table_header for i, solver in enumerate(solvers): option = options[i] if i < len(options) else '' res = run(ins, solver, option) result_str += "| {} | {} | {} | {} | {} |\n".format( solver, res['solved'], res['comp_time'], res['sum-of-costs'], res['makespan']) return result_str if __name__ == '__main__': date_str ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') cp ='git --no-pager log -n 1 --no-decorate', shell=True, encoding='utf-8', stdout=subprocess.PIPE) git_log = cp.stdout suboptimal_res = get_run_result(suboptimal_ins, suboptimal_solvers, suboptimal_solvers_option) optimal_res = get_run_result(optimal_ins, optimal_solvers) anytime_res = get_run_result(anytime_ins, anytime_solvers, [anytime_solvers_option]*len(anytime_solvers)) md_str = """auto record by github actions === date: {} commit ``` {} ``` ## sub-optimal solvers benchmark: {} {} ## optimal solvers benchmark: {} {} ## anytime solvers benchmark: {} {}""".format( date_str, git_log, suboptimal_ins, suboptimal_res, optimal_ins, optimal_res, anytime_ins, anytime_res) record_file = './' with open(record_file, 'w') as f: f.write(md_str)