QFtpServer is an event-driven server which is written entirely in Qt. It is non-blocking and supports multiple connections.
This project started because I couldn't find a free FTP server for my Symbian phone so I decided to try and make one of my own. I've tested it against Filezilla, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Windows Explorer, and others.
It supports:
- Active connections (PORT command).
- Passive connections (PASV command).
- Random access for files (APPE, RETR), so stopped uploads and downloads can be continued.
- Secure FTP, also known as FTP-ES which uses SSL/TLS sockets.
It doesn't support:
- IPv6.
- FTPS (this standard is obsolete and FTP-ES should be used instead).
- Multiple user accounts.
server = new FtpServer(this, "/ftp/root/path", 21, "MyUserName",
"MyPassword", false, false);
It supports:
- Windows
- linux
- android
- Symbian phone
git clone --recursive https://github.com/sashoalm/QFtpServer.git
cd QFtpServer
qmake QFtpServer.pro