# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license abstract type AbstractCmd end # libuv process option flags const UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS = UInt8(1 << 2) const UV_PROCESS_DETACHED = UInt8(1 << 3) const UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE = UInt8(1 << 4) struct Cmd <: AbstractCmd exec::Vector{String} ignorestatus::Bool flags::UInt32 # libuv process flags env::Union{Array{String},Nothing} dir::String Cmd(exec::Vector{String}) = new(exec, false, 0x00, nothing, "") Cmd(cmd::Cmd, ignorestatus, flags, env, dir) = new(cmd.exec, ignorestatus, flags, env, dir === cmd.dir ? dir : cstr(dir)) function Cmd(cmd::Cmd; ignorestatus::Bool=cmd.ignorestatus, env=cmd.env, dir::AbstractString=cmd.dir, detach::Bool = 0 != cmd.flags & UV_PROCESS_DETACHED, windows_verbatim::Bool = 0 != cmd.flags & UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS, windows_hide::Bool = 0 != cmd.flags & UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE) flags = detach * UV_PROCESS_DETACHED | windows_verbatim * UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS | windows_hide * UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE new(cmd.exec, ignorestatus, flags, byteenv(env), dir === cmd.dir ? dir : cstr(dir)) end end """ Cmd(cmd::Cmd; ignorestatus, detach, windows_verbatim, windows_hide, env, dir) Construct a new `Cmd` object, representing an external program and arguments, from `cmd`, while changing the settings of the optional keyword arguments: * `ignorestatus::Bool`: If `true` (defaults to `false`), then the `Cmd` will not throw an error if the return code is nonzero. * `detach::Bool`: If `true` (defaults to `false`), then the `Cmd` will be run in a new process group, allowing it to outlive the `julia` process and not have Ctrl-C passed to it. * `windows_verbatim::Bool`: If `true` (defaults to `false`), then on Windows the `Cmd` will send a command-line string to the process with no quoting or escaping of arguments, even arguments containing spaces. (On Windows, arguments are sent to a program as a single "command-line" string, and programs are responsible for parsing it into arguments. By default, empty arguments and arguments with spaces or tabs are quoted with double quotes `"` in the command line, and `\\` or `"` are preceded by backslashes. `windows_verbatim=true` is useful for launching programs that parse their command line in nonstandard ways.) Has no effect on non-Windows systems. * `windows_hide::Bool`: If `true` (defaults to `false`), then on Windows no new console window is displayed when the `Cmd` is executed. This has no effect if a console is already open or on non-Windows systems. * `env`: Set environment variables to use when running the `Cmd`. `env` is either a dictionary mapping strings to strings, an array of strings of the form `"var=val"`, an array or tuple of `"var"=>val` pairs, or `nothing`. In order to modify (rather than replace) the existing environment, create `env` by `copy(ENV)` and then set `env["var"]=val` as desired. * `dir::AbstractString`: Specify a working directory for the command (instead of the current directory). For any keywords that are not specified, the current settings from `cmd` are used. Normally, to create a `Cmd` object in the first place, one uses backticks, e.g. Cmd(`echo "Hello world"`, ignorestatus=true, detach=false) """ Cmd hash(x::Cmd, h::UInt) = hash(x.exec, hash(x.env, hash(x.ignorestatus, hash(x.dir, hash(x.flags, h))))) ==(x::Cmd, y::Cmd) = x.exec == y.exec && x.env == y.env && x.ignorestatus == y.ignorestatus && x.dir == y.dir && isequal(x.flags, y.flags) struct OrCmds <: AbstractCmd a::AbstractCmd b::AbstractCmd OrCmds(a::AbstractCmd, b::AbstractCmd) = new(a, b) end struct ErrOrCmds <: AbstractCmd a::AbstractCmd b::AbstractCmd ErrOrCmds(a::AbstractCmd, b::AbstractCmd) = new(a, b) end struct AndCmds <: AbstractCmd a::AbstractCmd b::AbstractCmd AndCmds(a::AbstractCmd, b::AbstractCmd) = new(a, b) end hash(x::AndCmds, h::UInt) = hash(x.a, hash(x.b, h)) ==(x::AndCmds, y::AndCmds) = x.a == y.a && x.b == y.b shell_escape(cmd::Cmd; special::AbstractString="") = shell_escape(cmd.exec..., special=special) shell_escape_posixly(cmd::Cmd) = shell_escape_posixly(cmd.exec...) function show(io::IO, cmd::Cmd) print_env = cmd.env !== nothing print_dir = !isempty(cmd.dir) (print_env || print_dir) && print(io, "setenv(") print(io, '`') print(io, join(map(cmd.exec) do arg replace(sprint() do io with_output_color(:underline, io) do io print_shell_word(io, arg, shell_special) end end, '`' => "\\`") end, ' ')) print(io, '`') print_env && (print(io, ","); show(io, cmd.env)) print_dir && (print(io, "; dir="); show(io, cmd.dir)) (print_dir || print_env) && print(io, ")") end function show(io::IO, cmds::Union{OrCmds,ErrOrCmds}) print(io, "pipeline(") show(io, cmds.a) print(io, ", ") print(io, isa(cmds, ErrOrCmds) ? "stderr=" : "stdout=") show(io, cmds.b) print(io, ")") end function show(io::IO, cmds::AndCmds) show(io, cmds.a) print(io, " & ") show(io, cmds.b) end const STDIN_NO = 0 const STDOUT_NO = 1 const STDERR_NO = 2 struct FileRedirect filename::AbstractString append::Bool function FileRedirect(filename, append) if lowercase(filename) == (@static Sys.iswindows() ? "nul" : "/dev/null") @warn "For portability use devnull instead of a file redirect" maxlog=1 end return new(filename, append) end end rawhandle(::DevNullStream) = C_NULL rawhandle(x::OS_HANDLE) = x if OS_HANDLE !== RawFD rawhandle(x::RawFD) = Libc._get_osfhandle(x) end const Redirectable = Union{IO, FileRedirect, RawFD, OS_HANDLE} const StdIOSet = NTuple{3, Redirectable} struct CmdRedirect <: AbstractCmd cmd::AbstractCmd handle::Redirectable stream_no::Int end function show(io::IO, cr::CmdRedirect) print(io, "pipeline(") show(io, cr.cmd) print(io, ", ") if cr.stream_no == STDOUT_NO print(io, "stdout=") elseif cr.stream_no == STDERR_NO print(io, "stderr=") elseif cr.stream_no == STDIN_NO print(io, "stdin=") end show(io, cr.handle) print(io, ")") end """ ignorestatus(command) Mark a command object so that running it will not throw an error if the result code is non-zero. """ ignorestatus(cmd::Cmd) = Cmd(cmd, ignorestatus=true) ignorestatus(cmd::Union{OrCmds,AndCmds}) = typeof(cmd)(ignorestatus(cmd.a), ignorestatus(cmd.b)) """ detach(command) Mark a command object so that it will be run in a new process group, allowing it to outlive the julia process, and not have Ctrl-C interrupts passed to it. """ detach(cmd::Cmd) = Cmd(cmd; detach=true) # like String(s), but throw an error if s contains NUL, since # libuv requires NUL-terminated strings function cstr(s) if Base.containsnul(s) throw(ArgumentError("strings containing NUL cannot be passed to spawned processes")) end return String(s) end # convert various env representations into an array of "key=val" strings byteenv(env::AbstractArray{<:AbstractString}) = String[cstr(x) for x in env] byteenv(env::AbstractDict) = String[cstr(string(k)*"="*string(v)) for (k,v) in env] byteenv(env::Nothing) = nothing byteenv(env::Union{AbstractVector{Pair{T}}, Tuple{Vararg{Pair{T}}}}) where {T<:AbstractString} = String[cstr(k*"="*string(v)) for (k,v) in env] """ setenv(command::Cmd, env; dir="") Set environment variables to use when running the given `command`. `env` is either a dictionary mapping strings to strings, an array of strings of the form `"var=val"`, or zero or more `"var"=>val` pair arguments. In order to modify (rather than replace) the existing environment, create `env` by `copy(ENV)` and then setting `env["var"]=val` as desired, or use `withenv`. The `dir` keyword argument can be used to specify a working directory for the command. """ setenv(cmd::Cmd, env; dir="") = Cmd(cmd; env=byteenv(env), dir=dir) setenv(cmd::Cmd, env::Pair{<:AbstractString}...; dir="") = setenv(cmd, env; dir=dir) setenv(cmd::Cmd; dir="") = Cmd(cmd; dir=dir) (&)(left::AbstractCmd, right::AbstractCmd) = AndCmds(left, right) redir_out(src::AbstractCmd, dest::AbstractCmd) = OrCmds(src, dest) redir_err(src::AbstractCmd, dest::AbstractCmd) = ErrOrCmds(src, dest) # Stream Redirects redir_out(dest::Redirectable, src::AbstractCmd) = CmdRedirect(src, dest, STDIN_NO) redir_out(src::AbstractCmd, dest::Redirectable) = CmdRedirect(src, dest, STDOUT_NO) redir_err(src::AbstractCmd, dest::Redirectable) = CmdRedirect(src, dest, STDERR_NO) # File redirects redir_out(src::AbstractCmd, dest::AbstractString) = CmdRedirect(src, FileRedirect(dest, false), STDOUT_NO) redir_out(src::AbstractString, dest::AbstractCmd) = CmdRedirect(dest, FileRedirect(src, false), STDIN_NO) redir_err(src::AbstractCmd, dest::AbstractString) = CmdRedirect(src, FileRedirect(dest, false), STDERR_NO) redir_out_append(src::AbstractCmd, dest::AbstractString) = CmdRedirect(src, FileRedirect(dest, true), STDOUT_NO) redir_err_append(src::AbstractCmd, dest::AbstractString) = CmdRedirect(src, FileRedirect(dest, true), STDERR_NO) """ pipeline(command; stdin, stdout, stderr, append=false) Redirect I/O to or from the given `command`. Keyword arguments specify which of the command's streams should be redirected. `append` controls whether file output appends to the file. This is a more general version of the 2-argument `pipeline` function. `pipeline(from, to)` is equivalent to `pipeline(from, stdout=to)` when `from` is a command, and to `pipeline(to, stdin=from)` when `from` is another kind of data source. **Examples**: ```julia run(pipeline(`dothings`, stdout="out.txt", stderr="errs.txt")) run(pipeline(`update`, stdout="log.txt", append=true)) ``` """ function pipeline(cmd::AbstractCmd; stdin=nothing, stdout=nothing, stderr=nothing, append::Bool=false) if append && stdout === nothing && stderr === nothing error("append set to true, but no output redirections specified") end if stdin !== nothing cmd = redir_out(stdin, cmd) end if stdout !== nothing cmd = append ? redir_out_append(cmd, stdout) : redir_out(cmd, stdout) end if stderr !== nothing cmd = append ? redir_err_append(cmd, stderr) : redir_err(cmd, stderr) end return cmd end pipeline(cmd::AbstractCmd, dest) = pipeline(cmd, stdout=dest) pipeline(src::Union{Redirectable,AbstractString}, cmd::AbstractCmd) = pipeline(cmd, stdin=src) """ pipeline(from, to, ...) Create a pipeline from a data source to a destination. The source and destination can be commands, I/O streams, strings, or results of other `pipeline` calls. At least one argument must be a command. Strings refer to filenames. When called with more than two arguments, they are chained together from left to right. For example, `pipeline(a,b,c)` is equivalent to `pipeline(pipeline(a,b),c)`. This provides a more concise way to specify multi-stage pipelines. **Examples**: ```julia run(pipeline(`ls`, `grep xyz`)) run(pipeline(`ls`, "out.txt")) run(pipeline("out.txt", `grep xyz`)) ``` """ pipeline(a, b, c, d...) = pipeline(pipeline(a,b), c, d...) mutable struct Process <: AbstractPipe cmd::Cmd handle::Ptr{Cvoid} in::IO out::IO err::IO exitcode::Int64 termsignal::Int32 exitnotify::Condition closenotify::Condition openstream::Symbol # for open(cmd) deprecation function Process(cmd::Cmd, handle::Ptr{Cvoid}, in::Union{Redirectable, Ptr{Cvoid}}, out::Union{Redirectable, Ptr{Cvoid}}, err::Union{Redirectable, Ptr{Cvoid}}) if !isa(in, IO) in = devnull end if !isa(out, IO) out = devnull end if !isa(err, IO) err = devnull end this = new(cmd, handle, in, out, err, typemin(fieldtype(Process, :exitcode)), typemin(fieldtype(Process, :termsignal)), Condition(), Condition()) finalizer(uvfinalize, this) return this end end pipe_reader(p::Process) = p.out pipe_writer(p::Process) = p.in struct ProcessChain <: AbstractPipe processes::Vector{Process} in::Redirectable out::Redirectable err::Redirectable openstream::Symbol # for open(cmd) deprecation ProcessChain(stdios::StdIOSet) = new(Process[], stdios[1], stdios[2], stdios[3]) ProcessChain(chain::ProcessChain, openstream::Symbol) = new(chain.processes, chain.in, chain.out, chain.err, openstream) # for open(cmd) deprecation end pipe_reader(p::ProcessChain) = p.out pipe_writer(p::ProcessChain) = p.in function _jl_spawn(file, argv, cmd::Cmd, stdio) loop = eventloop() handles = Tuple{Cint, UInt}[ # assuming little-endian layout let h = rawhandle(io) h === C_NULL && return (0x00, UInt(0)) h isa OS_HANDLE && return (0x02, UInt(cconvert(@static(Sys.iswindows() ? Ptr{Cvoid} : Cint), h))) h isa Ptr{Cvoid} && return (0x04, UInt(h)) error("invalid spawn handle $h from $io") end for io in stdio] proc = Libc.malloc(_sizeof_uv_process) disassociate_julia_struct(proc) error = ccall(:jl_spawn, Int32, (Cstring, Ptr{Cstring}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Tuple{Cint, UInt}}, Int, UInt32, Ptr{Cstring}, Cstring, Ptr{Cvoid}), file, argv, loop, proc, handles, length(handles), cmd.flags, cmd.env === nothing ? C_NULL : cmd.env, isempty(cmd.dir) ? C_NULL : cmd.dir, uv_jl_return_spawn::Ptr{Cvoid}) if error != 0 ccall(:jl_forceclose_uv, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), proc) throw(UVError("could not spawn " * string(cmd), error)) end return proc end function uvfinalize(proc::Process) if proc.handle != C_NULL disassociate_julia_struct(proc.handle) ccall(:jl_close_uv, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), proc.handle) proc.handle = C_NULL end nothing end function uv_return_spawn(p::Ptr{Cvoid}, exit_status::Int64, termsignal::Int32) data = ccall(:jl_uv_process_data, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), p) data == C_NULL && return proc = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(data)::Process proc.exitcode = exit_status proc.termsignal = termsignal ccall(:jl_close_uv, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), proc.handle) notify(proc.exitnotify) nothing end function _uv_hook_close(proc::Process) proc.handle = C_NULL notify(proc.closenotify) end function _spawn(redirect::CmdRedirect, stdios::StdIOSet; chain::Union{ProcessChain, Nothing}=nothing) _spawn(redirect.cmd, (redirect.stream_no == STDIN_NO ? redirect.handle : stdios[1], redirect.stream_no == STDOUT_NO ? redirect.handle : stdios[2], redirect.stream_no == STDERR_NO ? redirect.handle : stdios[3]), chain=chain) end function _spawn(cmds::OrCmds, stdios::StdIOSet; chain::Union{ProcessChain, Nothing}=nothing) if chain === nothing chain = ProcessChain(stdios) end in_pipe, out_pipe = link_pipe(false, false) try _spawn(cmds.a, (stdios[1], out_pipe, stdios[3]), chain=chain) _spawn(cmds.b, (in_pipe, stdios[2], stdios[3]), chain=chain) finally close_pipe_sync(out_pipe) close_pipe_sync(in_pipe) end return chain end function _spawn(cmds::ErrOrCmds, stdios::StdIOSet; chain::Union{ProcessChain, Nothing}=nothing) if chain === nothing chain = ProcessChain(stdios) end in_pipe, out_pipe = link_pipe(false, false) try _spawn(cmds.a, (stdios[1], stdios[2], out_pipe), chain=chain) _spawn(cmds.b, (in_pipe, stdios[2], stdios[3]), chain=chain) finally close_pipe_sync(out_pipe) close_pipe_sync(in_pipe) end return chain end function setup_stdio(stdio::PipeEndpoint, child_readable::Bool) if stdio.status == StatusInit rd, wr = link_pipe(!child_readable, child_readable) open_pipe!(stdio, child_readable ? wr : rd, !child_readable, child_readable) return (child_readable ? rd : wr, true) end return (stdio, false) end function setup_stdio(stdio::Pipe, child_readable::Bool) if stdio.in.status == StatusInit && stdio.out.status == StatusInit link_pipe!(stdio) end io = child_readable ? stdio.out : stdio.in return (io, false) end setup_stdio(stdio::AbstractPipe, readable::Bool) = setup_stdio(readable ? pipe_reader(stdio) : pipe_writer(stdio), readable) function setup_stdio(stdio::IOStream, child_readable::Bool) io = RawFD(fd(stdio)) return (io, false) end function setup_stdio(stdio::FileRedirect, child_readable::Bool) if child_readable attr = JL_O_RDONLY perm = zero(S_IRUSR) else attr = JL_O_WRONLY | JL_O_CREAT attr |= stdio.append ? JL_O_APPEND : JL_O_TRUNC perm = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH end io = Filesystem.open(stdio.filename, attr, perm) return (io, true) end function setup_stdio(io, child_readable::Bool) # if there is no specialization, # assume that rawhandle is defined for it return (io, false) end close_stdio(stdio::OS_HANDLE) = close_pipe_sync(stdio) close_stdio(stdio::Nothing) = nothing close_stdio(stdio) = close(stdio) function setup_stdio(anon::Function, stdio::StdIOSet) in, close_in = setup_stdio(stdio[1], true) try out, close_out = setup_stdio(stdio[2], false) try err, close_err = setup_stdio(stdio[3], false) try anon((in, out, err)) finally close_err && close_stdio(err) end finally close_out && close_stdio(out) end finally close_in && close_stdio(in) end nothing end function _spawn(cmd::Cmd, stdios::StdIOSet; chain::Union{ProcessChain, Nothing}=nothing) if isempty(cmd.exec) throw(ArgumentError("cannot spawn empty command")) end pp = Process(cmd, C_NULL, stdios[1], stdios[2], stdios[3]) setup_stdio(stdios) do stdios handle = _jl_spawn(cmd.exec[1], cmd.exec, cmd, stdios) associate_julia_struct(handle, pp) pp.handle = handle end if chain !== nothing push!(chain.processes, pp) end return pp end function _spawn(cmds::AndCmds, stdios::StdIOSet; chain::Union{ProcessChain, Nothing}=nothing) if chain === nothing chain = ProcessChain(stdios) end setup_stdio(stdios) do stdios _spawn(cmds.a, stdios, chain=chain) _spawn(cmds.b, stdios, chain=chain) end return chain end # INTERNAL # returns stdios: # A set of up to 256 stdio instructions, where each entry can be either: # | - An IO to be passed to the child # | - devnull to pass /dev/null # | - An Filesystem.File object to redirect the output to # \ - A string specifying a filename to be opened spawn_opts_swallow(stdios::StdIOSet) = (stdios,) spawn_opts_swallow(in::Redirectable=devnull, out::Redirectable=devnull, err::Redirectable=devnull, args...) = ((in, out, err), args...) spawn_opts_inherit(stdios::StdIOSet) = (stdios,) # pass original descriptors to child processes by default, because we might # have already exhausted and closed the libuv object for our standard streams. # this caused issue #8529. spawn_opts_inherit(in::Redirectable=RawFD(0), out::Redirectable=RawFD(1), err::Redirectable=RawFD(2), args...) = ((in, out, err), args...) _spawn(cmds::AbstractCmd, args...; chain::Union{ProcessChain, Nothing}=nothing) = _spawn(cmds, spawn_opts_swallow(args...)...; chain=chain) function eachline(cmd::AbstractCmd; chomp=nothing, keep::Bool=false) if chomp !== nothing keep = !chomp depwarn("The `chomp=$chomp` argument to `eachline` is deprecated in favor of `keep=$keep`.", :eachline) end _stdout = Pipe() processes = _spawn(cmd, (devnull, _stdout, stderr)) close(_stdout.in) out = _stdout.out # implicitly close after reading lines, since we opened return EachLine(out, keep=keep, ondone=()->(close(out); success(processes) || pipeline_error(processes)))::EachLine end function open(cmds::AbstractCmd, mode::AbstractString, other::Redirectable=devnull) if mode == "r+" || mode == "w+" return open(cmds, other, read = true, write = true) elseif mode == "r" return open(cmds, other) elseif mode == "w" return open(cmds, other, write = true) else throw(ArgumentError("mode must be \"r\" or \"w\", not \"$mode\"")) end end # return a Process object to read-to/write-from the pipeline """ open(command, stdio=devnull; write::Bool = false, read::Bool = !write) Start running `command` asynchronously, and return a tuple `(stream,process)`. If `read` is true, then `stream` reads from the process's standard output and `stdio` optionally specifies the process's standard input stream. If `write` is true, then `stream` writes to the process's standard input and `stdio` optionally specifies the process's standard output stream. """ function open(cmds::AbstractCmd, other::Redirectable=devnull; write::Bool = false, read::Bool = !write) if read && write other === devnull || throw(ArgumentError("no other stream can be specified in read-write mode")) in = Pipe() out = Pipe() processes = _spawn(cmds, (in,out,stderr)) close(in.out) close(out.in) elseif read in = other out = Pipe() processes = _spawn(cmds, (in,out,stderr)) close(out.in) if isa(processes, ProcessChain) # for open(cmd) deprecation processes = ProcessChain(processes, :out) else processes.openstream = :out end elseif write in = Pipe() out = other processes = _spawn(cmds, (in,out,stderr)) close(in.out) if isa(processes, ProcessChain) # for open(cmd) deprecation processes = ProcessChain(processes, :in) else processes.openstream = :in end else processes = _spawn(cmds) end return processes end """ open(f::Function, command, mode::AbstractString="r", stdio=devnull) Similar to `open(command, mode, stdio)`, but calls `f(stream)` on the resulting process stream, then closes the input stream and waits for the process to complete. Returns the value returned by `f`. """ function open(f::Function, cmds::AbstractCmd, args...) P = open(cmds, args...) ret = try f(P) catch e kill(P) rethrow(e) finally close(P.in) end success(P) || pipeline_error(P) return ret end function read(cmd::AbstractCmd) procs = open(cmd, "r", devnull) bytes = read(procs.out) success(procs) || pipeline_error(procs) return bytes end read(cmd::AbstractCmd, ::Type{String}) = String(read(cmd)) """ run(command, args...; wait::Bool = true) Run a command object, constructed with backticks. Throws an error if anything goes wrong, including the process exiting with a non-zero status (when `wait` is true). If `wait` is false, the process runs asynchronously. You can later wait for it and check its exit status by calling `success` on the returned process object. When `wait` is false, the process' I/O streams are directed to `devnull`. When `wait` is true, I/O streams are shared with the parent process. Use [`pipeline`](@ref) to control I/O redirection. """ function run(cmds::AbstractCmd, args...; wait::Bool = true) if wait ps = _spawn(cmds, spawn_opts_inherit(args...)...) success(ps) || pipeline_error(ps) else ps = _spawn(cmds, spawn_opts_swallow(args...)...) end return ps end # some common signal numbers that are usually available on all platforms # and might be useful as arguments to `kill` or testing against `Process.termsignal` const SIGHUP = 1 const SIGINT = 2 const SIGQUIT = 3 # !windows const SIGKILL = 9 const SIGPIPE = 13 # !windows const SIGTERM = 15 function test_success(proc::Process) @assert process_exited(proc) if proc.exitcode < 0 #TODO: this codepath is not currently tested throw(UVError("could not start process $(string(proc.cmd))", proc.exitcode)) end proc.exitcode == 0 && (proc.termsignal == 0 || proc.termsignal == SIGPIPE) end function success(x::Process) wait(x) return test_success(x) end success(procs::Vector{Process}) = mapreduce(success, &, procs) success(procs::ProcessChain) = success(procs.processes) """ success(command) Run a command object, constructed with backticks, and tell whether it was successful (exited with a code of 0). An exception is raised if the process cannot be started. """ success(cmd::AbstractCmd) = success(_spawn(cmd)) function pipeline_error(proc::Process) if !proc.cmd.ignorestatus error("failed process: ", proc, " [", proc.exitcode, "]") end nothing end function pipeline_error(procs::ProcessChain) failed = Process[] for p = procs.processes if !test_success(p) && !p.cmd.ignorestatus push!(failed, p) end end isempty(failed) && return nothing length(failed) == 1 && pipeline_error(failed[1]) msg = "failed processes:" for proc in failed msg = string(msg, "\n ", proc, " [", proc.exitcode, "]") end error(msg) end """ kill(p::Process, signum=SIGTERM) Send a signal to a process. The default is to terminate the process. Returns successfully if the process has already exited, but throws an error if killing the process failed for other reasons (e.g. insufficient permissions). """ function kill(p::Process, signum::Integer) if process_running(p) @assert p.handle != C_NULL err = ccall(:uv_process_kill, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int32), p.handle, signum) if err != 0 && err != UV_ESRCH throw(UVError("kill", err)) end end end kill(ps::Vector{Process}) = foreach(kill, ps) kill(ps::ProcessChain) = foreach(kill, ps.processes) kill(p::Process) = kill(p, SIGTERM) function _contains_newline(bufptr::Ptr{Cvoid}, len::Int32) return (ccall(:memchr, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid},Int32,Csize_t), bufptr, '\n', len) != C_NULL) end ## process status ## """ process_running(p::Process) Determine whether a process is currently running. """ process_running(s::Process) = s.exitcode == typemin(fieldtype(Process, :exitcode)) process_running(s::Vector{Process}) = any(process_running, s) process_running(s::ProcessChain) = process_running(s.processes) """ process_exited(p::Process) Determine whether a process has exited. """ process_exited(s::Process) = !process_running(s) process_exited(s::Vector{Process}) = all(process_exited, s) process_exited(s::ProcessChain) = process_exited(s.processes) process_signaled(s::Process) = (s.termsignal > 0) #process_stopped (s::Process) = false #not supported by libuv. Do we need this? #process_stop_signal(s::Process) = false #not supported by libuv. Do we need this? function process_status(s::Process) process_running(s) ? "ProcessRunning" : process_signaled(s) ? "ProcessSignaled("*string(s.termsignal)*")" : #process_stopped(s) ? "ProcessStopped("*string(process_stop_signal(s))*")" : process_exited(s) ? "ProcessExited("*string(s.exitcode)*")" : error("process status error") end ## implementation of `cmd` syntax ## arg_gen() = String[] arg_gen(x::AbstractString) = String[cstr(x)] arg_gen(cmd::Cmd) = cmd.exec function arg_gen(head) if applicable(start, head) vals = String[] for x in head push!(vals, cstr(string(x))) end return vals else return String[cstr(string(head))] end end function arg_gen(head, tail...) head = arg_gen(head) tail = arg_gen(tail...) vals = String[] for h = head, t = tail push!(vals, cstr(string(h,t))) end return vals end function cmd_gen(parsed) args = String[] for arg in parsed append!(args, arg_gen(arg...)) end return Cmd(args) end macro cmd(str) return :(cmd_gen($(esc(shell_parse(str, special=shell_special)[1])))) end wait(x::Process) = if !process_exited(x); stream_wait(x, x.exitnotify); end wait(x::ProcessChain) = for p in x.processes; wait(p); end show(io::IO, p::Process) = print(io, "Process(", p.cmd, ", ", process_status(p), ")") # allow the elements of the Cmd to be accessed as an array or iterator for f in (:length, :firstindex, :lastindex, :start, :keys, :first, :last) @eval $f(cmd::Cmd) = $f(cmd.exec) end eltype(::Type{Cmd}) = eltype(fieldtype(Cmd, :exec)) for f in (:next, :done, :getindex) @eval $f(cmd::Cmd, i) = $f(cmd.exec, i) end