# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Core definitions for interacting with the libuv library from Julia include(string(length(Core.ARGS) >= 2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : "", "uv_constants.jl")) # include($BUILDROOT/base/uv_constants.jl) # convert UV handle data to julia object, checking for null function uv_sizeof_handle(handle) if !(UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE < handle < UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX) throw(DomainError(handle)) end return ccall(:uv_handle_size, Csize_t, (Int32,), handle) end function uv_sizeof_req(req) if !(UV_UNKNOWN_REQ < req < UV_REQ_TYPE_MAX) throw(DomainError(req)) end return ccall(:uv_req_size, Csize_t, (Int32,), req) end for h in uv_handle_types @eval const $(Symbol("_sizeof_", lowercase(string(h)))) = uv_sizeof_handle($h) end for r in uv_req_types @eval const $(Symbol("_sizeof_", lowercase(string(r)))) = uv_sizeof_req($r) end uv_handle_data(handle) = ccall(:jl_uv_handle_data, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), handle) uv_req_data(handle) = ccall(:jl_uv_req_data, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), handle) uv_req_set_data(req, data) = ccall(:jl_uv_req_set_data, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Any), req, data) uv_req_set_data(req, data::Ptr{Cvoid}) = ccall(:jl_uv_req_set_data, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), req, data) macro handle_as(hand, typ) return quote local data = uv_handle_data($(esc(hand))) data == C_NULL && return unsafe_pointer_to_objref(data)::($(esc(typ))) end end associate_julia_struct(handle::Ptr{Cvoid}, @nospecialize(jlobj)) = ccall(:jl_uv_associate_julia_struct, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Any), handle, jlobj) disassociate_julia_struct(uv) = disassociate_julia_struct(uv.handle) disassociate_julia_struct(handle::Ptr{Cvoid}) = handle != C_NULL && ccall(:jl_uv_disassociate_julia_struct, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), handle) iolock_begin() = ccall(:jl_iolock_begin, Cvoid, ()) iolock_end() = ccall(:jl_iolock_end, Cvoid, ()) # A dict of all libuv handles that are being waited on somewhere in the system # and should thus not be garbage collected const uvhandles = IdDict() const preserve_handle_lock = Threads.SpinLock() function preserve_handle(x) lock(preserve_handle_lock) v = get(uvhandles, x, 0)::Int uvhandles[x] = v + 1 unlock(preserve_handle_lock) nothing end function unpreserve_handle(x) lock(preserve_handle_lock) v = uvhandles[x]::Int if v == 1 pop!(uvhandles, x) else uvhandles[x] = v - 1 end unlock(preserve_handle_lock) nothing end ## Libuv error handling ## struct IOError <: Exception msg::AbstractString code::Int32 IOError(msg::AbstractString, code::Integer) = new(msg, code) end showerror(io::IO, e::IOError) = print(io, "IOError: ", e.msg) function _UVError(pfx::AbstractString, code::Integer) code = Int32(code) IOError(string(pfx, ": ", struverror(code), " (", uverrorname(code), ")"), code) end function _UVError(pfx::AbstractString, code::Integer, sfxs::AbstractString...) code = Int32(code) IOError(string(pfx, ": ", struverror(code), " (", uverrorname(code), ")", " ", sfxs...), code) end struverror(err::Int32) = unsafe_string(ccall(:uv_strerror, Cstring, (Int32,), err)) uverrorname(err::Int32) = unsafe_string(ccall(:uv_err_name, Cstring, (Int32,), err)) uv_error(prefix::Symbol, c::Integer) = uv_error(string(prefix), c) uv_error(prefix::AbstractString, c::Integer) = c < 0 ? throw(_UVError(prefix, c)) : nothing ## event loop ## eventloop() = uv_eventloop::Ptr{Cvoid} function process_events() return ccall(:jl_process_events, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid},), eventloop()) end function uv_alloc_buf end function uv_readcb end function uv_writecb_task end function uv_return_spawn end function uv_asynccb end function uv_timercb end function reinit_stdio() global uv_jl_alloc_buf = @cfunction(uv_alloc_buf, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Ptr{Cvoid})) global uv_jl_readcb = @cfunction(uv_readcb, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cssize_t, Ptr{Cvoid})) global uv_jl_writecb_task = @cfunction(uv_writecb_task, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint)) global uv_jl_return_spawn = @cfunction(uv_return_spawn, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Int64, Int32)) global uv_jl_asynccb = @cfunction(uv_asynccb, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},)) global uv_jl_timercb = @cfunction(uv_timercb, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},)) global uv_eventloop = ccall(:jl_global_event_loop, Ptr{Cvoid}, ()) global stdin = init_stdio(ccall(:jl_stdin_stream, Ptr{Cvoid}, ())) global stdout = init_stdio(ccall(:jl_stdout_stream, Ptr{Cvoid}, ())) global stderr = init_stdio(ccall(:jl_stderr_stream, Ptr{Cvoid}, ())) nothing end """ stdin Global variable referring to the standard input stream. """ :stdin """ stdout Global variable referring to the standard out stream. """ :stdout """ stderr Global variable referring to the standard error stream. """ :stderr