.search-cache .DS_Store .env .vscode/settings.json .idea/ /node_modules/ npm-debug.log coverage/ /assets/images/early-access /content/early-access /data/early-access /src/dev-toc/static .next .eslintcache *.tsbuildinfo /translations/ .node-version .linkinator/full.log next-env.d.ts # blc: broken link checker blc_output.log blc_output_internal.log broken_links.md # This one is purely for historical reasons because so many people might # still have these files on their disk. lib/redirects/.redirects-cache*.json # During the preview deploy untrusted user code may be cloned into this directory # We ignore it from git to keep things deterministic user-code/ # Logs from scripts */logs/ external-link-checker-db.json # Playwright related /test-results/ /playwright-report/ /playwright/.cache/ # Automated content source rest-api-description semmle-code .installed.package-lock.json assets/images/help/writing/unordered-list-rendered (1).png # Used by getRemoteJSON() .remotejson-cache/ # Used by precompute-pageinfo .pageinfo-cache.json.br