Terraform module to create Route 53 records inside jordibru.cloud hosted zone.
Name | Description | Type | Validation | Default | Required |
stage |
The stage of development (e.g., test, dev, staging, prod). | string | Must be one of test , dev , staging , prod |
yes | |
purpose |
A short description about the purpose of the created resource. | string | Must match the regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$ |
yes | |
owner |
The owner of the deployed infrastructure. | string | Must have more than three characters | yes |
Exactly one of records or alias must be specified: this determines whether it's an alias record.
Name | Description | Type | Validation | Default | Required |
subdomain |
The subdomain prefixed to jordibru.cloud TLD. | string | Must have more than three characters | yes | |
type |
The record type. | string | A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, DS, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SOA, SPF, SRV and TXT | yes | |
records |
A string list of records. | list(string) | alias must be null |
[] | no |
alias |
Domain validation objects used to complete certificate validation. | object(alias) | records must be null |
null | no |
Name | Description | Type | Validation | Default | Required |
name |
DNS domain name for a CloudFront distribution, S3 bucket, ELB, or another resource record set in this hosted zone. | string | yes | ||
zone_id |
Hosted zone ID for a CloudFront distribution, S3 bucket, ELB, or Route 53 hosted zone | string | yes |
Name | Description |
zone_name |
The name of the default Route 53 hosted zone. |
zone_id |
The ID of the Route 53 hosted zone. |
record_name |
The name of the Route 53 record. |
module "route53" {
source = "git@github.com:JordiiBru/aws-route53.git?ref=[TAG]"
# Common variables
stage = "dev"
purpose = "tfg"
owner = "wanda"
# Custom variables
subdomain = "portfolio" //This will create record portfolio.jordibru.cloud
tpye = "A"
alias = {
name = "d1b1z1v7x1q1q1.cloudfront.net"
zone_id = "Z2FDTNDATAQYW2"