SHELL=/usr/bin/env bash all: build .PHONY: all unexport GOFLAGS GOCC?=go GOVERSION:=$(shell $(GOCC) version | tr ' ' '\n' | grep go1 | sed 's/^go//' | awk -F. '{printf "%d%03d%03d", $$1, $$2, $$3}') GOVERSIONMIN:=$(shell cat GO_VERSION_MIN | awk -F. '{printf "%d%03d%03d", $$1, $$2, $$3}') ifeq ($(shell expr $(GOVERSION) \< $(GOVERSIONMIN)), 1) $(warning Your Golang version is go$(shell expr $(GOVERSION) / 1000000).$(shell expr $(GOVERSION) % 1000000 / 1000).$(shell expr $(GOVERSION) % 1000)) $(error Update Golang to version to at least $(shell cat GO_VERSION_MIN)) endif # git modules that need to be loaded MODULES:= CLEAN:= BINS:=$(subst -,.,$(shell git describe --always --match=NeVeRmAtCh --dirty 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)) ifneq ($(strip $(LDFLAGS)),) ldflags+=-extldflags=$(LDFLAGS) endif GOFLAGS+=-ldflags="$(ldflags)" ## FFI FFI_PATH:=extern/filecoin-ffi/ FFI_DEPS:=.install-filcrypto FFI_DEPS:=$(addprefix $(FFI_PATH),$(FFI_DEPS)) $(FFI_DEPS): build/.filecoin-install ; build/.filecoin-install: $(FFI_PATH) $(MAKE) -C $(FFI_PATH) $(FFI_DEPS:$(FFI_PATH)%=%) @touch $@ MODULES+=$(FFI_PATH) BUILD_DEPS+=build/.filecoin-install CLEAN+=build/.filecoin-install ffi-version-check: @[[ "$$(awk '/const Version/{print $$5}' extern/filecoin-ffi/version.go)" -eq 3 ]] || (echo "FFI version mismatch, update submodules"; exit 1) BUILD_DEPS+=ffi-version-check .PHONY: ffi-version-check $(MODULES): build/.update-modules ; # dummy file that marks the last time modules were updated build/.update-modules: git submodule update --init --recursive touch $@ # end git modules ## MAIN BINARIES CLEAN+=build/.update-modules deps: $(BUILD_DEPS) .PHONY: deps build-devnets: build lotus-seed lotus-shed .PHONY: build-devnets debug: GOFLAGS+=-tags=debug debug: build-devnets 2k: GOFLAGS+=-tags=2k 2k: build-devnets calibnet: GOFLAGS+=-tags=calibnet calibnet: build-devnets butterflynet: GOFLAGS+=-tags=butterflynet butterflynet: build-devnets interopnet: GOFLAGS+=-tags=interopnet interopnet: build-devnets auto-notary: $(BUILD_DEPS) rm -f auto-notary $(GOCC) build $(GOFLAGS) -o auto-notary . .PHONY: auto-notary BINS+=auto-notary # MISC buildall: $(BINS) clean: rm -rf $(CLEAN) $(BINS) -$(MAKE) -C $(FFI_PATH) clean .PHONY: clean dist-clean: git clean -xdff git submodule deinit --all -f .PHONY: dist-clean