1. Download Mobius_Docker from KETI's git repository
sudo git clone https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius_Docker.git
cd Mobius_Docker
2. Execute "install.sh"
sudo ./instatll.sh
3. Execute "run.sh"
sudo ./run.sh
4. Test using cURL
sudo ./test.sh
You can follows below commands for each objective
Stop mobius docker containers
"sudo ./stop.sh"
Remove mobius docker containers
"sudo ./remove.sh"
Check status of mobius docker containers
"sudo ./status.sh"
Show logs of mobius docker containers
"sudo ./logs.sh"
In the snapshot, left console shows response of "Retrieve CES Resource" and right console describes request of "Retreive CSE Resoruce" respectively.
image: mysql:latest # Import the mysql docker image stored in the Docker-Hub.
environment: # This is the mysql environment variable setting.
MYSQL_DATABASE: "mobiusdb"
ports: # Port matching of HOST Port and Docker is required. "HOST:Docker-container"
- "3306:3306"
network_mode: "host" # It operates in the same network environment as the host for easy use.
volumes: # Get the required libraries from the Host. The mobiusdb.sql file is prepared in this path.
- ./Mobius/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
healthcheck: # It is a function of Docker-compose to check whether the software is working or not.
test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" , "--password=dksdlfduq2", "ping"]
interval: 20s
timeout: 20s
retries: 10
image: "node:14.5.2"
working_dir: /home/node/app # Sets the virtual image directory of the Nodejs-based Mobius.
- NODE_ENV=production
volumes: # Import mobius source code from the host into the virtual image directory.
- ./Mobius:/home/node/app
network_mode: "host"
- "8081"
command: "node mobius" # When the Docker preference is complete, Mobius runs up.
depends_on: # After Mysql is running, Mobius will work. If this is not taken into consideration, it will not execute normally due to delay with DB.
condition: service_healthy
image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest # Import the mosquitto (MQTT Tool) image stored in the Docker-Hub.
- 1883:1883
network_mode: "host"
- ./etc/mosquitto:/etc/mosquitto:ro
- ./var/log/mosquitto:/var/log/mosquitto:rw
depends_on: # Mosquitto will work after mysql is running. If this is not taken into consideration, the delay with Mobius will not work properly.
condition: service_healthy
- JongGwan An - Initial work - [Cftn] (https://github.com/Cftn) (jg.an@keti.re.kr, jg.an.1182@gmail.com)