The CSDADC middleware is the CYPRESS™ ADC solution, which uses the CSD HW block for measurement. It is useful for a devices that do not include another ADC option. The CSDADC provides the following measurement capabilities:
- Voltage monitoring on multiple external channels.
- Voltage monitoring on AMUX-B.
- Device supply voltage (VDDA) monitoring without need of explicitly connecting VDDA to a GPIO input of ADC. This capability can be used to measure battery voltage and/or change VDDA dependent parameters of the ADC during run-time.
The listed capabilities make the CSDADC useful for a variety of applications including home appliances, automotive, IoT, and industrial applications. The CSDADC middleware can use the same CSD HW block with the other CSD-based middleware (CAPSENSE™, CSDIDAC, etc.) in the time-multiplexed manner.
- ADC with 8- and 10-bit resolution
- Two input measurement ranges: GND to VREF and GND to VDDA
- Two operation modes: Continuous conversion and single shot conversion
The CSDADC can be configured by the ModusToolbox™ CSD personality. Refer to the API Reference Guide Configuration Considerations.
For more information, refer to:
- CSDADC overview:
- ModusToolbox™ overview:
- Code Examples:
- General information:
- PSoC™ Technical Reference Manual
- PSoC™ 63 with BLE Datasheet Programmable System-on-Chip datasheet
- CAT1 PDL API Reference
- CAT2 PDL API Reference
- PSoC™ 4000S Family: PSoC™ 4 Architecture Technical Reference Manual (TRM)
- PSoC™ 4100S and PSoC™ 4100S Plus: PSoC™ 4 Architecture Technical Reference Manual (TRM)
- Infineon Technologies GitHub
- Infineon Technologies
CYPRESS™ Semiconductor Corporation, 2019-2022.