A Simple Car Simulator based on SFML Library and ROS for Udacity C++ NanoDegree Capstone Project. The Car can be steered both by the keyboard and ROS. You can also change the speed and reset the scene to the default state.
cd build && cmake ..
- Launch a ROS master
$ roscore
- Q -> Steer Left
- E -> Steer Right
- Arrow Up -> Increase Speed
- Backspace -> Reset
- Publish
on Topic/CarSim/steer
values [-360,360] $ rostopic pub /CarSim/steer std_msgs/Float32 "data: 5.0"
Topic Name | Usage |
/CarSim/steer | Drive the Car |
/CarSim/image | Simulator Image |
- CarSim.cpp
- Program Main.
- Game.cpp / Game.h
- This Class is responsible for handling all the simulator logic from creating the Renderer, moving the Car in the Scene, handling user inputs from both the keyboard or ROS.
- Renderer.cpp / Renderer.h
- This class is responsible for all the rendering done in the application using SFML library.
- Car.cpp / Car.h
- This class represent the car in the simulation.
- Images.h / Image.cpp
- Handling SFML -> OpenCV -> ROS conversion.
- graphics / fonts
- the required graphics and fonts for the application.