This is a GUI for the Hydra Ecosystem's Agent. It's divided in two parts: the left side shows the Hydra API as a linked graph and at the right you have a generic console built based on the API Documentation that you can use to query the API. The Frontend was built with React, a middle layer to use the Agent was built with Flask.
It's recommended that you use venv(virtual environment):
sudo apt-get install python3-venv # If not installed
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The Agent uses a Redis local server as a caching layer. That said, it's necessary that you run Redis Graph locally:
sudo ./ # <- Might be necessary to uso sudo
Since this is an API Client, we need an appropriate hydrus server to query to. To setup a localhost follow the instructions at
If you've installed the Requirements and have the proper Redis running you can simply:
Now open your browser and enjoy at: http://localhost:3000/
This repository is divided in two parts, the Middle-Layer/Backend with Flask under
and the React project under the folder console-frontend
The Flask Backend is built to communicate with the Python Agent package. It declares five endpoints which are used for this:
- send-command - Send Commands to Agent and returns the server response
- /hydra-doc - Simply serves the Hydra Doc
- apidoc-graph - Fetches Hydra Doc from the Agent, process it in Vis.js Network format and returns it to the GUI
- /start-agent - Simply starts/restarts the Agent with the URL parameter
- / - Serves the React build under /console-frontend/build
The React Frontend
Go the the inside console-frontend
for further information. If you make modifications inside console-frontend
, make sure to run npm run build
to create a updated production build.