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gatk compatibility #153



I'm using

gatk --java-options "-Xmx10g" CombineGVCFs

on clair3 gvcf output. I encountered this error.

htsjdk.tribble.TribbleException: The provided VCF file is malformed at approximately line number 97073593: unparsable vcf record with allele TGTGB

The offending input line is

chr3 16902879 . TGTGB T,<NON_REF> 12.03 PASS F GT:GQ:DP:AD:AF:PL 0/1:12:38:26,11,0:0.2895:15,0,57,990,990,990

If this output is actually compatible with a version of GATK, could you please tell what version? The error was generated using v4.1.8.1.




zhengzhenxian commented on Nov 25, 2022


We test the GVCF compatibility using GATK version And for the error, it seems that the reference consists of IUPAC base B, not sure your GATK version could parse it.


Coppini commented on Jan 2, 2023


@aquaskyline @zhengzhenxian

Our group has been facing the same issue with the VCF files we obtain with Clair3, which cause problems when we run QC pipelines on them.

Apparently, while GATK tools seem to handle IUPAC codes in the reference, Clair3 does not.

Our current approach is to check the output VCF from Clair3 and replace any IUPAC degenerate codes in it by N, since N is accepted by VCF standards (the other IUPAC degenerate codes are not).

This has allowed us to proceed and use the generated VCF in other tools.

I noticed there was an old issue related to this on Clair as well (HKU-BAL/Clair#33).

Would it perhaps be possible to handle this automatically inside Clair3, converting these IUPAC codes to N before generating the output VCF?

Current code we've been using:

awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '/^[^#]/{sub(/[RYSWKMBDHV]/, "N", $4) sub(/[RYSWKMBDHV]/, "N", $5) 1'

Which is basically a hacky awk code that replaces any degenerate IUPAC codes in the 4th or 5th fields of the VCF (the two columns containing bases, one for reference and one for alt) by N.

I believe if Clair3 took care of that by itself (or at least had an option that enabled this, like a --convert_iupac_to_n), this would simplify things a lot for further analysis and to make the output VCF (and gVCF) compatible with other tools.



aquaskyline commented on Jan 3, 2023


Understood the problem and am working on a fix.


dennishendriksen commented on Feb 20, 2023


Running into the same issue with HTSJDK v3.0.4. The VCF 4.3 specification states:

If the reference sequence contains IUPAC ambiguity codes not allowed by this specification (such as R = A/G),
the ambiguous reference base must be reduced to a concrete base by using the one that is first alphabetically
(thus R as a reference base is converted to A in VCF.)

Personally I would prefer conversion to N as mentioned by @Coppini since that matches the reference sequence value in the cases that I encountered.

Looking forward to a fix, thanks in advance!


aquaskyline commented on Mar 6, 2023


in v1.0.0, IUPAC bases are output as N

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      gatk compatibility · Issue #153 · HKU-BAL/Clair3