Simple interpreter for the pseudocode langauge used to teach programming in Romanian high schools. It is made entirely in Rust, using the Nom parser.
In order to run the interpreter with a file, execute the command:
cargo run -- filename
scrie 'Introduceti n:'
citeste n
daca n = 0 atunci
scrie 'fib(', n, ') = ', 0
daca n = 1 atunci
scrie 'fib(', n, ') = ', 1
x <- 0
y <- 1
pentru i <- 0, n - 2 executa
tmp <- x
x <- y
y <- tmp + x
scrie 'fib(', n, ') = ', y
If you are a teacher that wants to use the tool, feel free to contact me and I will do my best to add any features that you feel are missing!