module job export Job, Workload, WORKLOADS, job_cluster, job_queue const WORKLOADS = [ "ANL-Intrepid-2009-1.swf", "CEA-Curie-2011-2.1-cln.swf", #"CIEMAT-Euler-2008-1.swf", "CTC-SP2-1996-3.1-cln.swf", "HPC2N-2002-2.2-cln.swf", "KIT-FH2-2016-1.swf", "LANL-CM5-1994-4.1-cln.swf", "LANL-O2K-1999-2.swf", "LLNL-Thunder-2007-1.1-cln.swf", "LPC-EGEE-2004-1.2-cln.swf", #"METACENTRUM-2013-3.swf", "PIK-IPLEX-2009-1.swf", "Sandia-Ross-2001-1.1-cln.swf", "SDSC-BLUE-2000-4.2-cln.swf", "SDSC-DS-2004-2.1-cln.swf", "SDSC-Par-1995-3.1-cln.swf", "SDSC-SP2-1998-4.2-cln.swf", #"SHARCNET-2005-2.swf", "SHARCNET-Whale-2005-2.swf" ] mutable struct Job job_id::Int cores::Int submit_time::Int run_time::Int requested_time::Int simulated_run_time::Int simulated_wait_time::Int end function, j::Job) print( io, "J", j.job_id, "(#", j.cores, " W", j.simulated_wait_time, " ", j.simulated_run_time, "/", j.requested_time, ")" ) end Base.:(==)(j1::Job, j2::Job) = j1.job_id == j2.job_id function Job(words::Vector{SubString{String}}) job_id = parse(Int, words[1]) cores = parse(Int, words[5]) submit_time = parse(Int, words[2]) run_time = parse(Int, words[4]) requested_time = parse(Int, words[9]) if run_time > requested_time requested_time = run_time end Job(job_id, cores, submit_time, run_time, requested_time, 0, 0) end function job_cluster(job::Job, max_run_time::Int) return fill((job.requested_time - job.simulated_run_time) / max_run_time, job.cores) end function job_queue(job::Job, max_run_time::Int, total_cores::Int, available_cores::Int) return [job.simulated_wait_time / max_run_time, job.requested_time / max_run_time, job.cores / total_cores, float(available_cores >= job.cores)] end struct Workload jobs::Vector{Job} cores::Int max_run_time::Int sjf_bsld::Float32 end function, w::Workload) print(io, "Workload with ", length(, " jobs and ", w.cores, " cores.") end function Workload(name) jobs = [] max_run_time = 0 cores = 0 sjf_bsld = 0 println("Loading workload ", name, "...") open("data/" * name) do fp for line in eachline(fp) if line == "" continue end if line[1] == ';' if length(line) > 10 && line[1:10] == "; MaxProcs" cores = parse(Int, split(line, ":")[2]) end if length(line) > 22 && line[1:22] == "; sjf_bounded_slowdown" # julia can't parse its own Float32 format :( sjf_bsld = parse(Float32, replace(split(line, ":")[2], "f" => "e")) end continue end if cores == 0 error("Improper workload format! Comments must include MaxProcs.") end j = Job(split(line)) # filter illegal jobs if j.cores > 0 && j.requested_time > 0 && j.run_time > 0 push!(jobs, j) if j.run_time > max_run_time max_run_time = j.run_time end end end end sort!(jobs, by = j -> j.submit_time) Workload(jobs, cores, max_run_time, sjf_bsld) end end