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To do so, clone the repo, and then run: .. code-block:: python python3 setup.py install How it Works ============ Soon you will find a `README.rst`_ in every directory in the ``pyt/`` folder, `start here`_. .. _README.rst: https://github.com/python-security/pyt/tree/master/pyt .. _start here: https://github.com/python-security/pyt/tree/master/pyt How to Use ============ 1. Choose a web framework `The -a option determines which functions will have their arguments tainted`_, by default it is Flask. 2. (optional) Customize source and sink information Use the ``-t`` option to specify sources and sinks, by default `this file is used`_. 3. (optional) Customize which library functions propagate taint For functions from builtins or libraries, e.g. ``url_for`` or ``os.path.join``, use the ``-m`` option to specify whether or not they return tainted values given tainted inputs, by `default this file is used`_. .. _The -a option determines which functions will have their arguments tainted: https://github.com/python-security/pyt/tree/master/pyt/web_frameworks#web-frameworks .. _this file is used: https://github.com/python-security/pyt/blob/master/pyt/vulnerability_definitions/all_trigger_words.pyt .. _default this file is used: https://github.com/python-security/pyt/blob/master/pyt/vulnerability_definitions/blackbox_mapping.json Usage ===== .. code-block:: usage: python -m pyt [-h] [-a ADAPTOR] [-pr PROJECT_ROOT] [-b BASELINE_JSON_FILE] [-j] [-t TRIGGER_WORD_FILE] [-m BLACKBOX_MAPPING_FILE] [-i] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--ignore-nosec] [-r] [-x EXCLUDED_PATHS] [--dont-prepend-root] [--no-local-imports] targets [targets ...] required arguments: targets source file(s) or directory(s) to be scanned important optional arguments: -a ADAPTOR, --adaptor ADAPTOR Choose a web framework adaptor: Flask(Default), Django, Every or Pylons -t TRIGGER_WORD_FILE, --trigger-word-file TRIGGER_WORD_FILE Input file with a list of sources and sinks -m BLACKBOX_MAPPING_FILE, --blackbox-mapping-file BLACKBOX_MAPPING_FILE Input blackbox mapping file optional arguments: -pr PROJECT_ROOT, --project-root PROJECT_ROOT Add project root, only important when the entry file is not at the root of the project. -b BASELINE_JSON_FILE, --baseline BASELINE_JSON_FILE Path of a baseline report to compare against (only JSON-formatted files are accepted) -j, --json Prints JSON instead of report. -i, --interactive Will ask you about each blackbox function call in vulnerability chains. -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output OUTPUT_FILE Write report to filename --ignore-nosec Do not skip lines with # nosec comments -r, --recursive Find and process files in subdirectories -x EXCLUDED_PATHS, --exclude EXCLUDED_PATHS Separate files with commas --dont-prepend-root In project root e.g. /app, imports are not prepended with app.* --no-local-imports If set, absolute imports must be relative to the project root. If not set, modules in the same directory can be imported just by their names. Usage from Source ================= Using it like a user ``python3 -m pyt examples/vulnerable_code/XSS_call.py`` Running the tests ``python3 -m tests`` Running an individual test file ``python3 -m unittest tests.import_test`` Running an individual test ``python3 -m unittest tests.import_test.ImportTest.test_import`` Contributions ============= Join our slack group: https://pyt-dev.slack.com/ - ask for invite: mr.thalmann@gmail.com `Guidelines`_ .. _Guidelines: https://github.com/python-security/pyt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTIONS.md Virtual env setup guide ======================= Create a directory to hold the virtual env and project ``mkdir ~/a_folder`` ``cd ~/a_folder`` Clone the project into the directory ``git clone https://github.com/python-security/pyt.git`` Create the virtual environment ``python3 -m venv ~/a_folder/`` Check that you have the right versions ``python3 --version`` sample output ``Python 3.6.0`` ``pip --version`` sample output ``pip 9.0.1 from /Users/kevinhock/a_folder/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6)`` Change to project directory ``cd pyt`` In the future, just type ``source ~/a_folder/bin/activate`` to start developing.