An abp application module where you can create gift cards and your app user can use them to exchange something.
We have launched an online demo for this module:
Install the following NuGet packages. (see how)
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.Application
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.Application.Contracts
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.Domain
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.Domain.Shared
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.EntityFrameworkCore
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.HttpApi
- EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.HttpApi.Client
- (Optional) EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.MongoDB
- (Optional) EasyAbp.GiftCardManagement.Web
attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how) -
to theOnModelCreating()
method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs. -
Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document.
Add permissions to the roles you want.
Create a gift card template.
Create a gift card.
Handle the gift card consumption distributed event. See the document: Handling Consumption Event.
Try to consume the gift card.
- Consumption rollback feature.
- Improve management pages.
- Unit tests.