# echo "Starting The Docker Build Process" FROM gentoo/stage3-amd64:latest # echo "Installing Programs" # install your apps # USE RUN FOR COMMITTED CHANGES # and setup instructions # Starting Portage Package Manager RUN emerge --sync # thats the hard part... # Optional -- open ssh server # RUN /etc/init.d/sshd stop # RUN /etc/init.d/sshd start # fortune and cowsay for comedy... RUN emerge games-misc/cowsay RUN emerge games-misc/fortune-mod # install git for moving public files around RUN emerge dev-vcs/git # Starting Git Startup and Basic Setup Still RUN mkdir /repos RUN cd /repos RUN git clone http://git.alphagriffin.com/ruckusist/bash_utilities # end our program #CMD fortune -a | cowsay # keep our docker open # this is a hack. CMD tail -f /dev/null