This is the final project of my 6-month training as a Certified Data Scientist at XDi - Experience Design Institut GmbH.
These are the key topics and learning fields from the training:
Python | Pandas | NumPy | Matplotlib | Seaborn | Data- preprocessing, -scaling and -transformation | EDA | Supervised / Unsupervised ML | Scikit-learn | kNN | Overfitting and underfitting | Linear Models | Decision trees | Ensembles und Random Forests | Support Vector Machines (SVM) | Neural networks and deep learning | Dimension reduction / PCA | Image analysis | Cluster analysis | Cross-validation | Grid search | Evaluation metrics | Pipelines | NLP
- Determine the key factors that influence sales and revenue
- Create strategies for the management to improve the business
- Build a standardized forecasting model which can predict the sales figures for the next eight weeks for each store.
- Generate a report with information on the overall performance of the 1115 stores as well as individual performance reports for each store.
Capstone Projekt Rossmann - 1. Intro and EDA.pdf
Capstone Projekt Rossmann - 2. Feature Engineering.pdf
Capstone Projekt Rossmann - 3. Predictive Modeling.pdf
Capstone Projekt Rossmann - 4. Reports.pdf
Capstone Projekt Rossmann - 5. Summary.pdf