vue-authoring-template is a community-driven project. As such, we welcome and encourage all sorts of contributions. They include, but are not limited to:
- Constructive feedback
- Questions about usage
- Documentation changes
- Feature requests
- Pull requests
- Create issues
We strongly suggest that before filing an issue, you search through the existing issues to see if it has already been filed by someone else. For pull-request and commit message, it's mandatory to follow the guide but can became a good practice for contributing to this project.
Here are some things to keep in mind as you file pull requests to fix bugs, add new features, etc.:
- Circle CI is used to make sure that the project builds packages as expected on the supported platforms, using supported Node.js versions.
- Please make sure your commits are rebased onto the latest commit in the master branch, and that you limit/squash the number of commits created to a "feature"-level. For instance:
commit 1: add foo option
commit 2: standardize code
commit 3: add test
commit 4: add docs
commit 5: add bar option
commit 6: add test + docs
commit 1: add foo option
commit 2: add bar option
- Use the present tense (
add feature
notadded feature
) - Use the imperative mood (
move cursor to...
notmoves cursor to...
) - Try to limit the length of commit message
- For long commit message, make it per point and use
in commit description - Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line, if applicable
- When need emoticon, use it at the end of sentence (
add explosion :boom: