A multipurpose bot that combines Info Bot, Mini Mod, and Reminder Friend's commands, and more.
This bot runs on the master branch of discord.py
Invite Link, it's recommended to not remove any permissions, as some or all commands may stop working
Create a bot account in the Discord Dev portal and invite it to your server. - Guide
Make sure to enable member intents too. - Example
Install python 3.8 or higher if you don't have it already. - Download
Install dependencies in
- You should probably make a venv first
pip install -r requirements.txt
Paste your bot token in
, right afterbot_token:
- You must also fill in
, andunsplash_api_key
if you want those commands to work
- You must also fill in
Run bot and have fun!
Use doggie.command
to use a command.
Most commands also need you to put an argument after the command, such as doggie.user @Doggie
You will know which arguments to put in a command by looking at its command signature!
<user> - User is a required argument
[user] - User is an optional argument
<users...> - You can specify more than one user
[amount=100] - Amount is optional, and 100 is the default
̶c̶o̶m̶m̶a̶n̶d - You can't run this command
help - [command]: Shows this bot's commands, if a command is specified then info for that command is shown!
server: Lists info for the current guild
user - [user]: Shows information about the user specified, if no user specified then it returns info for invoker
avatar - [user]: Shows user's avatar using their ID or name
invite - <invite>: Shows info for an invite using a invite URL or its code
channel - <channel>: Shows info for the channel specified using channel mention or ID
role - <role>: Shows info for the role specified using role mention or ID
emote - <emoji>: Shows info of emote using the emote ID or emote itself
token - <token>: Shows info of an account/bot token! (Don't use valid tokens in public servers!)
message - <message>: Gets information for a Discord Message!
color - <color>: Gets info for a color! You can specify a member, role, or color.
whois - <domain>: Does a WHOIS lookup on a domain!
wikipedia - <search>: Looks up Wikipedia articles by their title!
ban - <users>... [reason]: Ban members who broke the rules! You can specify multiple members in one command.
unban - <users>... [reason]: Unban banned users with their User ID, you can specify multiple people to be unbanned.
softban - <members>... [reason]: Bans then unbans the specified users, which deletes their recent messages and 'kicks' them.
kick - <members>... [reason]: Kick members who broke the rules! You can specify multiple members in one command.
rename - [members]... <nickname>: Renames users to a specified name
mute - [members]... [reason=No reason specified]: Gives the configured mute role to members!
unmute - [members]... [reason=No reason specified]: Removes the configured mute role from members!
purge - [users]... [amount=20]: Deletes multiple messages from the current channel, you can specify users that it will delete messages from.
asciify - [members]...: Replace weird unicode letters in nicknames with normal ASCII text!
snipe - [channel] [user]: Shows recent deleted messages! You can specify an user to get deleted messages from.
remind - <duration> [channel] <reminder>: Add a reminder to be sent to you or a channel after a specified duration!
reminders: Shows your active reminders that you made!
cancel - <reminder_id>: Cancels and deletes a reminder using its ID!
info: Shows information for the bot!
suggest - <suggestion>: Send a suggestion or bug report to the bot owner!
source - [command]: Look at the code of this bot!
minecraft - <account>: Gets info of minecraft accounts using current username or their UUID
osu - <subcommand>: Gets info for osu! accounts and beatmaps!
recentjoins: Shows the most recent joins in the current server
selfbot - [users]...: Creates a fake Nitro giveaway to catch a selfbot (Automated user accounts which auto-react to giveaways)
hoisters - <subcommand>: Shows a list of members who have names made to 'hoist' themselves to the top of the member list!
steal - [emotes]...: Adds the specified emotes to your server!
newacc: Shows the newest accounts in this server!
poll - [timeout=600] <question> [options...]: Makes a poll that anyone can vote on! Use quotes to separate multi-word question and options
invert - [image]: Inverts the colors of a specified image!
greyscale - [image]: Greyscale the specified image!
deepfry - [image]: Deepfry the specified image!
blur - [image] [strength=5]: Blurs the specified image!
noise - [image] [strength=50]: Adds noise to specified image! Strength should be in between 0 and 100
brighten - [image] [strength=1.25]: Brightens specified image! Passing in an strength less than 1 will darken it instead
contrast - [image] [strength=1.25]: Adds contrast to specified image! Passing in an strength less than 1 will lower it instead
rotate - [image] [angle=90]: Rotates an image! Positive number for clockwise, negative for counter-clockwise
pride - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the pride rainbow to image!
gay - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the gay rainbow to image!
transgender - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the transgender flag to image!
bisexual - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the bisexual flag to image!
lesbian - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the lesbian flag to image!
asexual - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the asexual flag to image!
pansexual - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the pansexual flag to image!
nonbinary - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the non-binary flag to image!
gnc - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the gender nonconforming flag to image!
aromantic - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the aromantic flag to image!
genderqueer - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the genderqueer flag to image!
config - <subcommand>: Shows the current configuration for this server!
logging - <flags>...: Sets the log channels for this server! help logging
for help with flags format
random - <subcommand>: Commands that choose something random!
unsplash - <subcommand>: Commands that have to do with the Unsplash API!
fox: Gets a random fox from randomfox.ca
duck: Gets a random duck from random-d.uk
dog: Gets a random dog from random.dog
hug - [user]: Get picture of furries hugging, because why not?
boop - [user]: Get picture of furries booping eachother, because why not?
hold - [user]: Get picture of furries holding eachother, because why not?
kiss - [user]: Get picture of furries kissing, because why not?
lick - [user]: Get picture of furries licking eachother, because why not?