- Cryptopals - Cryptographic programming challenges
- CTF Challenge
- CTF365
- CTFlearn
- CTFTime
- Enigma Group
- Game of Hacks
- Google Gruyere - Vulnerable web app
- Google XSS Game - Cross-site scripting for beginners
- Hack This Site
- Hack.me
- Hacking-Lab
- HackThis!!
- Hellbound Hackers
- IO
- Juice shop - Vulnerable web app
- Microcorruption - ARM disassembling
- Over The Wire wargames
- OWASP WebGoat 1.2
- picoCTF
- Portswigger’s Web Security Academy
- pwn0
- pwnable.kr
- pwnable.tw
- Reversing.kr
- RingZer0 Team Online CTF
- Root Me
- SmashTheStack
- Try2Hack
- Typhoon vulnerable VM
- W3Challs
- XSS Challenge Wiki
- http://pwnable.tw/ (a newer set of high quality pwnable challenges)
- http://pwnable.kr/ (one of the more popular recent wargamming sets of challenges)
- https://picoctf.com/ (Designed for high school students while the event is usually new every year, it's left online and has a great difficulty progression)
- https://microcorruption.com/login (one of the best interfaces, a good difficulty curve and introduction to low-level reverse engineering, specifically on an MSP430)
- http://ctflearn.com/ (a new CTF based learning platform with user-contributed challenges)
- https://cherryblog.in/
- http://reversing.kr/
- http://hax.tor.hu/
- https://w3challs.com/
- https://pwn0.com/
- https://io.netgarage.org/
- http://ringzer0team.com/
- http://www.hellboundhackers.org/
- http://www.overthewire.org/wargames/
- http://counterhack.net/Counter_Hack/Challenges.html
- http://www.hackthissite.org/
- http://vulnhub.com/
- http://ctf.komodosec.com
- https://backdoor.sdslabs.co/
- http://smashthestack.org/wargames.html
- http://www.mod-x.co.uk/main.php
- http://scanme.nmap.org/
- http://www.hackertest.net/
- http://net-force.nl/
- http://www.wechall.net/sites.php (excellent list of challenge sites)
- http://ctf.forgottensec.com/wiki/ (good CTF wiki, though focused on CCDC)
- http://repo.shell-storm.org/CTF/ (great archive of CTFs)
- http://demo.testfire.net/
- http://wocares.com/xsstester.php
- http://crackme.cenzic.com/
- http://test.acunetix.com/
- http://zero.webappsecurity.com/
- http://computer-forensics.sans.org/community/challenges
- http://computer-forensics.sans.org/community/challenges
- http://forensicscontest.com/
- https://www.root-me.org/ (well done set of challenges free for public use with optional paid commercial versions)
- https://avatao.com (paid commercial training platform from a CTF team, though with a strong focus on secure app development)
- http://heorot.net/
- http://www.badstore.net/
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebGoat_Project
- http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Owasp_SiteGenerator
- Damn Vulnerable Web App
- Stanford SecureBench
- Stanford SecureBench Micro
- http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/mutillidae-deliberately-vulnerable-php-owasp-top-10
- https://pentesterlab.com/exercises/
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/metasploitable/files/Metasploitable2/
- Damn Vulnerable Linux (not currently live? local mirror)
- CTS tools, original, Python2+GNU 3.7
- CTS tools VM
- CTS tools, fork, Python3, Tested with Python 3.9
- CTS Utils, soome additional tools.
You may run you own server
- GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios.
- SigDigger is a free digital signal analyzer for GNU/Linux and macOS, designed to extract information of unknown radio signals.
- Gqrx is an open source software defined radio (SDR) receiver implemented using GNU Radio and the Qt GUI toolkit.
- URH is a complete suite for wireless protocol investigation with native support for many common Software Defined Radios.
- inspectrum is a tool for analysing captured signals, primarily from software-defined radio receivers.
- Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and other operating systems.
- Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS X, etc.) command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats. It can also apply various effects to these sound files, and, as an added bonus, SoX can play and record audio files on most platforms.
- rtl_433 is a generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz (SRD), 315 MHz, 345 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM bands.
- Software By W1HKJ & Associates
- Fast Light Digital Modem Application
- SSTV and HamDRM for Linux
- Ham Radio Software on Centos Linux
- Dire Wolf, Decoded Information from Radio Emissions for Windows Or Linux Fans
- minimodem , general-purpose software audio FSK modem for GNU/Linux systems
- Weak Signal Communication Software
- wctf-sdr-tools, GNU Radio ZMQ Receivers
- Suscan, is a realtime DSP processing library. It provides a set of useful abstractions to perform dynamic digital signal analysis and demodulation
- FSK Demodulation in GNU Radio
- Manually Decoding ASK PWM Signals from rtl_433 Signal I/Q Sample Files using Universal Radio Hacker
- gr-gsm, is a tool for analysing captured signals, primarily from software-defined radio receivers.
- Osmocom projects
- 3GPP Message Decoder, tool to decode GSM, UMTS, LTE, IP messages
- RFSec-ToolKit V 2.0, is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools which are from the github platform, and Hacking Tutorial from youtube、blog post, including SDR、2G GSM、3G 、4G LTE 、5G、NFC&RFID、ZigBee and so on.
- GNU Radio-Companion Cook Book, Tips, Tricks and Design Patterns
- CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife
- dCode, is the universal site for decoding messages, cheating on letter games, solving puzzles, geocaches and treasure hunts, etc.
- http://rootcontest.com/
- http://intruded.net/
- https://how2hack.net
- WebMaven (Buggy Bank)
- http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources/proddesc/hacmetravel.htm
- http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources/proddesc/hacmebooks.htm
- http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources/proddesc/hacmecasino.htm
- http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources/proddesc/hacmeshipping.htm
- http://hackme.ntobjectives.com/
- http://testphp.acunetix.com/
- http://testasp.acunetix.com/Default.asp
- http://prequals.nuitduhack.com
- http://www.gat3way.eu/index.php (Russian)
- http://exploit-exercises.com/ (challenges mirrored on vulnhub)
- http://damo.clanteam.com/
- http://p6drad-teel.net/~windo/wargame/
- http://roothack.org/
- http://ha.ckers.org/challenge/
- http://ha.ckers.org/challenge2/
- http://www.dc3.mil/challenge/