Dinner Run - WWDC21 Swift Student Challenge Submission [Accepted 🤯]
Roland is on a dinner with his friends, but they are having trouble eating! There are only five forks for five people to eat. 😳
In this playground, you'll help the philosophers to have a proper dinner even if there aren't enough forks for everyone!
Inspired by Concurrent Programming classes I was having in college during the Swift Student Challenge submission period, I created a Playground App that explains in an interactive and fun way about the Dining Philosophers problem.
During the experience, you will face many options that may or may not help the philosophers to have dinner! 🍴
I coded Dinner Run entirely in SwiftUI and customized some amazing assets from Freepik and Flaticon. I used as reference for the explanations an amazing book from M. Ben Ari, called "Principles of concurrent and distributed programming". You can find it here.
I made all the code using as base a 5th generation iPad Pro (12.9-inch) on Xcode. If you have an iPad Pro (12.9-inch) with Swift Playgrounds installed and want to play Dinner Run, it should run smoothly.
Click on the image to see the playground in action.