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Templates Template Editor

Luís Manuel Maia edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 1 revision

The Template Editor allows the user to configure a template that doesn't requires learning, it can be by default for every document to be processed within the workspace or with template matching rules, for different types of documents.

Template editor is tool for facilitating the information's extraction and especially useful in form type documents.



From the Home section, first we must do Add, to create the base for the template, template editor will take any document in the format tif, jpg, bmp, gif, png or pdf. Template editor will always binarize the image.


Changing to section Capture will make possible to mark areas to extract. For text extraction is possible to select OCR -- for digital text recognition, ICR -- for handwritten text, or Table OCR -- for multiple fields with digital text.


Apart from the most obvious options OMR Grid may be used for multiple choice check box.

The Capture Properties, in the right bottom, will change with the type of capture that is being drawn.

"sd_templatestation_properties.png" Edit Properties will be available of the OCR, ICR and Barcode captures, this pane will allow to set additional configurations for each field and even test the result from the extraction.

In addition to setting a template for a workspace it is possible to set Template Match Rules, which defines, from the pre-set captures, the ones that match a statement as being the correspondent. It is possible to use conditional operators to improve results.


Finally, template editor allows to test visually the outcomes of a template, this may be used from the Testing section.


To test a document, just select the folder icon and choose the documents to recognize. To see the outcome just press Recognize Documents. If using templates with matching rules, it is possible to select the folder in the filed next to the Auto Recognize Documents and then press the button to see the matching documents results.