pwd: print working directory hostname: my computer's network name mkdir: make directory cd: change directory (~:home, /:root, ..:up, ../../directory: 2up and go another directory) ls: list directory (l:details, p:shows files with/, a:hidden included) rmdir: remove directory pushd: push directory popd: pop directory cp: copy a file or directory [source][destination] mv: move, rename a file or directory less: page through a file cat: print the whole file (short for "concatenate")(cat FILE > FILE to copy) xargs: execute arguments find: find files grep: searches for lines which contain a search pattern man: read a manual page apropos: find what man page is appropriate env: look at your environment echo: print some arguments export: export/set a new environment variable exit: exit the shell sudo: super user do! chmod: change permission modifiers chown: change ownership diff: shows the differences between groups: shows which groups a user is a member of. ping: checks connectivity status to a server wget: download files from the internet date: show date and time cal: show calendar !17 run 17th command on history