Magically shapes almost any kind of π spiral in Sketch.
ddSpiral is a plugin for Sketch, so you just need Sketch.
The plugin was created with Sketch Plugin Manager, so if you are planning to use the source code you'll probably need SKPM too. Together with sketch-module-web-view as a bridge between the plugin and the overlay for user input.
Download and double-click the latest version. Or drop it on the Sketch app icon.
Just select up to 2 objects and/or an open path and run π ddSpiral from π§° ddTools in the plugin menu. You can also hit CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-S (All future ddTools wil use CTRL-ALT-SHIFT). The plugin presents you with an overlay for adjustments. The spiral will behave slightly differently depending on the selected objects. As long as you stay in the overlay you can update the spiral by altering:
- size and rotation (preset by the selected objects)
- direction (clockwise or counterclockwise),
- number of loops,
- number of points per loop (tangents),
- tension (0%=sharp corners, 100%=optimal curves, <500%=experimental loose curves).
- transition (linear, ease in and out, ease-in or ease-out),
- and easing rate (0%=linear, 50%=standard css easing, <500%=exponetial).
You must always click the Spiralize button first to start the drawing process. Subsequent updates can be automated by checking the Auto update option. The operations are terminated as soon as the ddSpiral overlay is closed or loses its focus. The last option Remove pre-selected objects automatically starts a cleaning process during this final termination.
If you select 1 object, not a path, the spiral rotates from the bounding box to the center of the object. Position, size and rotation are inherited from the selected object. The spiral is drawn on top of the object in the same group.
2. Select a closed shape, like a rectangle, oval or any other custom closed path, and then run ddSpiral
Selecting a closed path is basically the same as #1 but the experimental option Force into shape becomes available. When checked, the spiral runs from top to bottom, roughly staying within the object's outer perimeter rather than inside the bounding box.
Choose an open path and the spiral will stretch along the route of the selected line. By optionally selecting 1 or 2 other shapes/objects along with the open path, the size and rotation of these objects will be used as a preset. The option 'Mirror around midpoint' swaps the end point and half way point, creating a symmetrical spiral.
The spiral is stretched from the first object to the second, using their coordinates, size and rotation. The first object is the object behind all others, not necessarily the first selected object. The spiral is drawn at the document level if both objects belong to a different group.
- Automatic update option (you can also press RETURN for a quick update).
- Little overhead, the plugin does not respond to events from Sketch as long as the overlay is closed.
- You can leave the overlay open and make a new selection for another spiral or make a new spiral on the same selection.
- Adjustable logarithmic scale for transition options.
- User input is saved for the next spiral.
- Thoughtful user experience in a pleasant user interface.
- Dark mode support.
- Automatic cleaning service to remove pre-selected objects.
- Add pure js instead of cocoa script for length measurements
- Standalone js version
- Spinning option for arti spirals.
- Rotating version of the forced spiral.
- Additional path adjustments (ddBilb).
ddPlugin will ping the ddServer for updates upon activation. However, no data whatsoever is sent to this server. By using the plugin, you automatically agree to this fait accompli (or you can strip the functionality and build your own version of the plugin).
See issues.
There is a known side effect that you can sometimes resolve yourself. Paths are made with bΓ©zier curves. The smoothness depends on the length of the path, in combination with the number of loops as well as the number of points per loop. If the combination doesn't match you can get unexpected turns and bends. Especially if the route along an open path contains long or sharp turns. Try changing the path, number of loops or points for a better result. If you set the number of points very high you can see how the curve should actually run. However, many points is completely unnecessary. 4 points per loop is more than enough in most cases. Manually removing and adjusting the tangents afterwards is also always an option.
The Force into shape option is a work in progress.
- Logically, this option also suffers from the sharp corners and varying radii described above. ddSpiral is not very good in tight spaces, especially at the beginning and the end where the direction is indeterminate. Subsequent adjustments are often necessary. Keep it simple is the motto. Always.
- The spiral is never interrupted, so no gaps or notches are taken into account.
- For now, the spiral will only run from top to bottom, not in any other direction. You can of course rotate your object before running ddSpiral.
- Filling large objects with ddSpiral can take some time because the perimeter must first be meticulously unraveled in its entirety, which takes time and resources. You'd better turn off auto update in such cases.
- Smooth hand-drawn paths.
- Turn lines into pencil drawings
- Decorating paths and repeating object in various patterns.
- Unit calculator (there is a plugin for that, perhaps it's good enough).
Please contact me if you have any other advice or creative idea. Also, ddSpiral is hopefully bug free. If you find one, please let me know!
You can use it as long as the Sketch API remains unchanged and you can also use the source code with lots of comments to develop your own plugin. It was written with the best of knowledge. ddSpiral was my first plugin and the Sketch API documentation is, well, as good as it gets: important bits and pieces are missing, the examples that exist online are mostly outdated and the forum has recently been abandoned. Fortunately, there are quite a few well-written example plugins around that you can learn from also. Don't hesitate to ask your questions.
If you like it you may consider buying me a coffee.
Thank you for using ddSpiral.