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Evolution Strategies

Inspired by recent work from OpenAI.

Code Usage

See the bash scripts.

The ES code I am using includes the following tricks:

  • Mirrored sampling
  • Ranking transformation

I do not use the trick of instantiating a large block of Gaussian noise for each worker, because this code is designed to run sequentially.

Note: as of 05/18/2017, npop INCLUDES the mirroring so it must be divisible by two.

It uses TensorFlow but maybe that's not even needed for our purposes? Because there are no gradients to update a network. (We have to do gradient ascent, but that's done explicitly here and I don't think autodiff is necessary.) Tensorflow and the GPU are mostly useful for the forward pass in RL, which is not even the most critical step.


Inverted Pendulum

I originally ran this for 800 iterations, but it seems like 700 is also a safe upper bound on the number of iterations.

Args (this one is with npop not counting the mirroring):

Namespace(do_not_save=False, envname='InvertedPendulum-v1', es_iters=800,
log_every_t_iter=2, lrate_es=0.005, npop=100, render=False, seed=4, sigma=0.1,
snapshot_every_t_iter=50, test_trajs=10, verbose=True)

and (with revised npop and also with 700 iterations):

Namespace(do_not_save=False, envname='InvertedPendulum-v1', es_iters=700,
log_every_t_iter=2, lrate_es=0.005, npop=200, render=False, seed=5, sigma=0.1,
snapshot_every_t_iter=50, test_trajs=10, verbose=True)

The results look good! The results reach the perfect score faster than with the Gaussian sampling of actions afterwards.



Inverted Pendulum (+Gaussian Sampling)

This uses the Gaussian sampling, which we should not be doing.

Note: I ran this twice with normalized features (seeds 0 and 1), twice with ranking transformation (seeds 2 and 3).

Run with (for one seed):

rm -r outputs/InvertedPendulum-v1/seed0000
python InvertedPendulum-v1 \
    --es_iters 1000 \
    --log_every_t_iter 1 \
    --npop 200 \
    --seed 0 \
    --sigma 0.1 \
    --test_trajs 10 \

And then do the same thing, but with seed 0001 instead.

I then did seeds 2 and 3, which has the actual reward rank transformation. Seed 3 uses the following args (note: this time, npop gets doubled ... so they are equivalent ... sorry for the confusion):

Namespace(do_not_save=False, envname='InvertedPendulum-v1', es_iters=1000,
log_every_t_iter=1, lrate_es=0.005, npop=100, render=False, seed=3, sigma=0.1,
snapshot_every_t_iter=50, test_trajs=10, verbose=True)

Yowza! It works! Here's the figure log, followed by the rewards and standard deviations. They all reach the maximum score of 1000. I stopped seed 3 after 800 iterations, so if I need to use expert trajectories, use seed 2 because that one ran for the full 1000 iterations. The seed 2 trial took about 8 and 1/3 hours.

The plots named "Final"-something contain statistics related to the 10 rollouts the agent made each iteration, after it made the evolution strategies weight update. The plots named "Scores"-something contain statistics related to the 200 rollouts the agent made each iteration, where the 200 rollouts are each with some weight perturbation. (This is the npop parameter I have.)



Half Cheetah-v1 (+Gaussian Sampling)

Run with:

rm -r outputs/HalfCheetah-v1/seed0000
python HalfCheetah-v1 \
    --es_iters 1000 \
    --log_every_t_iter 1 \
    --npop 200 \
    --seed 0 \
    --sigma 0.1 \
    --test_trajs 10 \

Actually, I had to terminate this one after about 690 iterations because it was taking too long. This took maybe 16 hours to generate! But at least it is learning something. TRPO on HalfCheetah-v1 gets roughly 2400 so this has a long way to go.

