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Deep Q-Networks

The starter code is from UC Berkeley's Deep Reinforcement Learning class. These are their comments:

See for instructions

The starter code was based on an implementation of Q-learning for Atari generously provided by Szymon Sidor from OpenAI

The rest of this README contains my comments and results.

Usage, Games, etc.

First, here is example usage (slashes are only for readability here):

python --game Pong --seed 1 --num_timesteps 30000000 | tee logs_text/Pong_s001.text

With these settings, the statistics for plotting data will be stored in the log_pkls/Pong_s001.pkl file.

Here are some of the task stuff in the code, ordered by index (i.e. 0, 1, etc.).

Task<env_id=BeamRiderNoFrameskip-v3 trials=2 max_timesteps=40000000 max_seconds=None reward_floor=363.9 reward_ceiling=60000.0>
Task<env_id=BreakoutNoFrameskip-v3 trials=2 max_timesteps=40000000 max_seconds=None reward_floor=1.7 reward_ceiling=800.0>
Task<env_id=EnduroNoFrameskip-v3 trials=2 max_timesteps=40000000 max_seconds=None reward_floor=0.0 reward_ceiling=5000.0>
Task<env_id=PongNoFrameskip-v3 trials=2 max_timesteps=40000000 max_seconds=None reward_floor=-20.7 reward_ceiling=21.0>
Task<env_id=QbertNoFrameskip-v3 trials=2 max_timesteps=40000000 max_seconds=None reward_floor=163.9 reward_ceiling=40000.0>

The default for these is 40 million episodes, but that's not always needed for the easier games.

The num_timesteps parameter corresponds to the number of steps in the "underlying" environment, not the "wrapped" environment. See the stopping criterion:

def stopping_criterion(env, t):
    # notice that here t is the number of steps of the wrapped env,
    # which is different from the number of steps in the underlying env
    return get_wrapper_by_name(env, "Monitor").get_total_steps() >= num_timesteps

The t here is what I think of as "the number of steps." It's confusing, I know. There might be a better way to handle this. From now on, when I say "steps", it refers to the t-like number, and not the num_timesteps parameter.



  • Timing results are based on running with an NVIDIA Titan X with Pascal GPU.
  • Scores per Episode indicate scores for every episode.
  • Scores per Timestep indicate the score of the current episode at a given timestep; each episode requires some number of timesteps for the agent to complete it. Theres' a lot of them, so I take every 10,000.
  • Blocks mean taking an interval of some size (100) and taking the mean.



python --game Pong --seed 1 --num_timesteps 30000000 | tee logs_text/Pong_s001.text
python --game Pong --seed 2 --num_timesteps 30000000 | tee logs_text/Pong_s002.text
  • num_timesteps: 30 million
  • Training steps: about 7.5 million
  • Episodes: about 4200
  • Time: about 9.0 hours




python --game Breakout --seed 1 --num_timesteps 40000000 | tee logs_text/Breakout_s001.text
python --game Breakout --seed 2 --num_timesteps 40000000 | tee logs_text/Breakout_s002.text
  • num_timesteps: 40 million
  • Training steps: about 9.7 million
  • Episodes: about 10,200
  • Time: about 11.8 hours

I have no idea why the performance plummeted after 4500 episodes. I may need to investigate. Note that a few times we get the absolute perfect highest score (two full boards cleared); I think the "800" value as the maximum score is wrong ...




python --game BeamRider --seed 1 --num_timesteps 40000000 | tee logs_text/BeamRider_s001.text
python --game BeamRider --seed 2 --num_timesteps 40000000 | tee logs_text/BeamRider_s002.text
  • num_timesteps: 40 million
  • Training steps: about 10.0 million
  • Episodes: about 2,500 to 4,000
  • Time: about 12.5 hours

The results look different among the seeds since seed 2 apparently had better peformance earlier, thus meaning its episodes became longer sooner than the seed 1 version. At least they look reasonably good. A3C got roughly 13k on this game.




python --game Enduro --seed 1 --num_timesteps 40000000 | tee logs_text/Enduro_s001.text
python --game Enduro --seed 2 --num_timesteps 40000000 | tee logs_text/Enduro_s002.text
  • num_timesteps: 40 million
  • Training steps: about 10.0 million
  • Episodes: about 2,500 to 3,000
  • Time: about 12.5 hours

Ack, what happened to seed 2?!? The first seed matches the DQN result (475.6) from the Nature script, yet I don't know why the second one failed to learn much. It's worth noting, though, that the A3C paper actually reported -82.2 on this game (really?!?). Oh well ...
