Change Log ========== All notable changes to ``sentinelsat`` will be listed here. [0.11.1] – 2017-XX-XX ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * contribution guidelines [0.11] – 2017-06-01 ------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * Replace ``pycurl`` dependency with ``requests``. This makes installation significantly easier. (#117) * An exception is raised in ``download_all()`` if all downloads failed. * Change 'Sentinels Scientific Datahub' to 'Copernicus Open Access Hub' (#100) * Renamed ``py.test`` option ``--vcr reset_all`` to ``--vcr reset`` to better reflect its true behavior. [0.10] – 2017-05-30 ------------------- Added ~~~~~ * GeoJSON footprints are allowed to contain just a single geometry instead of a feature collection. Any geometry type that has a WKT equivalent is supported (rather than only Polygons). * ``get_product_odata()`` can be used to get the full metadata information available for a product if ``full=True`` is set. * Added ``query_raw()`` that takes full text search string as input and returns a parsed dictionary just like the updated ``query()`` method. * CLI: ``--sentinel=`` option to select satellite (constellation) Changed ~~~~~~~ * ``SentinelAPI``, etc. can be directly imported from ``sentinelsat`` rather than ``sentinelsat.sentinel``. * ``query()`` changes: - The ``area`` argument expects a WKT string as input instead of a coordinate string. (Issue #101) - Date arguments can be disabled by setting them to ``None`` and their values are validated on the client side. (Issue #101) - The return value has been changed to a dict of dicts of parsed metadata values. One entry per product with the product ID as the key. * ``download_all()`` expects a list of product IDs as input. This is compatible with the output of ``query()``. * ``get_coordinates()`` has been replaced with functions ``read_geojson()`` and ``geojson_to_wkt()``. (Issue #101) * Use more compact and descriptive error messages from the response headers, if available. Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ * CLI: ``--sentinel1`` and ``--sentinel2`` will be removed with the next major release Removed ~~~~~~~ * ``to_dict()`` has been removed since it is no longer required. * ``load_query()`` has been made private (renamed to ``_load_query()``). Fixed ~~~~~ * Fixed invalid GeoJSON output in both the CLI and API. (Issue #104) * Fixed broken reporting of failed downloads in the CLI. (Issue #88) * Attempting to download a product with an invalid ID no longer creates an infinite loop and a more informative error message is displayed in the CLI. [0.9.1] – 2017-03-06 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * ``--version`` option to command line utilities * install requirements for building the documentation * documentation of sorting with ``to_*`` convenience functions [0.9] – 2017-02-26 ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * Added ``to_dict``, ``to_dataframe`` and ``to_geodataframe`` which convert the response content to respective types. The pandas, geopandas and shapely dependencies are not installed by default. Changed ~~~~~~~ * ``--footprints`` now includes all returned product properties in the output. * ``KeyError('No results returned.')`` is no longer returned for zero returned products in a response. * Renamed ``get_footprint`` to ``to_geojson`` and ``get_product_info`` to ``get_product_odata``. * Added underscore to methods and functions that are not expected to be used outside the package. * Instance variables ``url`` and ``content`` have been removed, ``last_query`` and ``last_status_code`` have been made private. [0.8.1] – 2017-02-05 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * added a changelog Changed ~~~~~~~ * use logging instead of print Fixed ~~~~~ * docs represent new ``query`` and ``download_all`` behaviour [0.8] – 2017-01-27 ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * options to create new, reset or ignore vcr cassettes for testing Changed ~~~~~~~ * ``query`` now returns a list of search results * ``download_all`` requires the list of search results as an argument Removed ~~~~~~~ * ``SentinelAPI`` does not save query results as class attributes [0.7.4] – 2017-01-14 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Travis tests for Python 3.6 [0.7.3] – 2016-12-09 -------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * changed ``SentinelAPI`` ``max_rows`` attribute to ``page_size`` to better reflect pagination * tests use ``vcrpy`` cassettes Fixed ~~~~~ * support GeoJSON polygons with optional (third) z-coordinate [0.7.1] – 2016-10-28 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * pagination support for query results Changed ~~~~~~~ * number of query results per page set to 100 [0.6.5] – 2016-06-22 -------------------- Added ----- * support for large queries Changed ~~~~~~~ * Removed redundant information from Readme that is also present on Readthedocs [0.6.4] – 2016-04-06-03 ----------------------- Changed ~~~~~~~ * ``initial_date`` / ``--start`` changed from ingestion to acquisition date [0.6.1] – 2016-04-22 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Sphinx documentation setup with autodoc and numpydoc * integration [0.5.5] – 2016-01-13 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Sentinel-2 support [0.5.1] – 2015-12-18 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * Travis added as continuous integration service for automated testing [0.5] – 2015-12-09 ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * validate downloaded products with their MD5 checksums [0.4.3] – 2015-11-23 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ * option to select a different dhus api ``--url`` Changed ~~~~~~~ * ```` as standard url [0.4] – 2015-09-28 ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * method to manually select the CA certificate bundle * function to return footprints of the queried Sentinel scenes Fixed ~~~~~ * CA-certificate SSL errors [0.3] – 2015-06-10 ------------------ Added ~~~~~ * ``--query`` parameter to use extra search keywords in the cli [0.1] – 2015-06-05 ------------------ * first release