package main import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // ContextExecutor is the command context. type ContextExecutor interface { ExecuteContext(context.Context) error } // New builds the command context. func New(cliargs []string) ContextExecutor { args := &Args{} var ( bashCompletion bool zshCompletion bool fishCompletion bool powershellCompletion bool noDescriptions bool badHelp bool ) v := viper.New() c := &cobra.Command{ Use: text.CommandName + " [flags]... [DSN]", Short: text.Short(), Version: text.CommandVersion, SilenceErrors: true, SilenceUsage: true, DisableAutoGenTag: true, DisableSuggestions: true, Args: func(_ *cobra.Command, cliargs []string) error { if len(cliargs) > 1 { return text.ErrWrongNumberOfArguments } return nil }, PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error { commandUpper := text.CommandUpper() configFile := strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv(commandUpper + "_CONFIG")) cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) { if s := strings.TrimSpace(f.Value.String()); f.Name == "config" && s != "" { configFile = s } }) if configFile != "" { v.SetConfigFile(configFile) } else { v.SetConfigName(text.ConfigName) if configDir, err := os.UserConfigDir(); err == nil { v.AddConfigPath(filepath.Join(configDir, text.CommandName)) } } if err := v.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError); !ok { return err } } v.SetEnvPrefix(commandUpper) v.AutomaticEnv() cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) { if f.Name == "config" { return } _ = v.BindEnv(f.Name, commandUpper+"_"+strings.ToUpper(strings.ReplaceAll(f.Name, "-", "_"))) if !f.Changed && v.IsSet(f.Name) { _ = cmd.Flags().Set(f.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Get(f.Name))) } }) // unhide params switch { case bashCompletion, zshCompletion, fishCompletion, powershellCompletion, cmd.Name() == "__complete": flags := cmd.Root().Flags() for _, name := range []string{"no-psqlrc", "no-usqlrc", "var", "variable"} { flags.Lookup(name).Hidden = false } } return nil }, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, cliargs []string) error { // completions and short circuits switch { case bashCompletion: return cmd.GenBashCompletionV2(os.Stdout, !noDescriptions) case zshCompletion: if noDescriptions { return cmd.GenZshCompletionNoDesc(os.Stdout) } return cmd.GenZshCompletion(os.Stdout) case fishCompletion: return cmd.GenFishCompletion(os.Stdout, !noDescriptions) case powershellCompletion: if noDescriptions { return cmd.GenPowerShellCompletion(os.Stdout) } return cmd.GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(os.Stdout) case badHelp: return errors.New("unknown shorthand flag: 'h' in -h") } // run if len(cliargs) > 0 { args.DSN = cliargs[0] } // create charts chroot var err error if args.Charts, err = chartsFS(v); err != nil { return err } // fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n\n%v\n\n", args.Charts) args.Connections = v.GetStringMap("connections") args.Init = v.GetString("init") return Run(cmd.Context(), args) }, } c.SetVersionTemplate("{{ .Name }} {{ .Version }}\n") c.SetArgs(cliargs[1:]) c.SetUsageTemplate(text.UsageTemplate) flags := c.Flags() flags.SortFlags = false // completions / short circuits flags.BoolVar(&bashCompletion, "completion-script-bash", false, "output bash completion script and exit") flags.BoolVar(&zshCompletion, "completion-script-zsh", false, "output zsh completion script and exit") flags.BoolVar(&fishCompletion, "completion-script-fish", false, "output fish completion script and exit") flags.BoolVar(&powershellCompletion, "completion-script-powershell", false, "output powershell completion script and exit") flags.BoolVar(&noDescriptions, "no-descriptions", false, "disable descriptions in completion scripts") flags.BoolVarP(&badHelp, "bad-help", "h", false, "bad help") // command / file flags flags.VarP(commandOrFile{args, true}, "command", "c", "run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit") flags.VarP(commandOrFile{args, false}, "file", "f", "execute commands from file and exit") // general flags flags.BoolVarP(&args.NoPassword, "no-password", "w", false, "never prompt for password") flags.BoolVarP(&args.NoInit, "no-init", "X", false, "do not execute initialization scripts (aliases: --no-rc --no-psqlrc --no-usqlrc)") flags.BoolVar(&args.NoInit, "no-rc", false, "do not read startup file") flags.BoolVar(&args.NoInit, "no-psqlrc", false, "do not read startup file") flags.BoolVar(&args.NoInit, "no-usqlrc", false, "do not read startup file") flags.VarP(filevar{&args.Out}, "out", "o", "output file") flags.BoolVarP(&args.ForcePassword, "password", "W", false, "force password prompt (should happen automatically)") flags.BoolVarP(&args.SingleTransaction, "single-transaction", "1", false, "execute as a single transaction (if non-interactive)") ss := func(v *[]string, name, short, usage, placeholder string, vals ...string) { f := flags.VarPF(vs{v, vals, placeholder}, name, short, usage) if placeholder == "" { f.DefValue, f.NoOptDefVal = "true", "true" } } // set ss(&args.Vars, "set", "v", `set variable NAME to VALUE (see \set command, aliases: --var --variable)`, "NAME=VALUE") ss(&args.Vars, "var", "", "set variable NAME to VALUE", "NAME=VALUE") ss(&args.Vars, "variable", "", "set variable NAME to VALUE", "NAME=VALUE") // cset ss(&args.Cvars, "cset", "N", `set named connection NAME to DSN (see \cset command)`, "NAME=DSN") // pset ss(&args.Pvars, "pset", "P", `set printing option VAR to ARG (see \pset command)`, "VAR=ARG") // pset flags ss(&args.Pvars, "field-separator", "F", `field separator for unaligned and CSV output (default "|" and ",")`, "FIELD-SEPARATOR", "fieldsep=%q", "csv_fieldsep=%q") ss(&args.Pvars, "record-separator", "R", `record separator for unaligned and CSV output (default \n)`, "RECORD-SEPARATOR", "recordsep=%q") ss(&args.Pvars, "table-attr", "T", "set HTML table tag attributes (e.g., width, border)", "TABLE-ATTR", "tableattr=%q") // pset bools ss(&args.Pvars, "no-align", "A", "unaligned table output mode", "", "format=unaligned") ss(&args.Pvars, "html", "H", "HTML table output mode", "", "format=html") ss(&args.Pvars, "tuples-only", "t", "print rows only", "", "tuples_only=on") ss(&args.Pvars, "expanded", "x", "turn on expanded table output", "", "expanded=on") ss(&args.Pvars, "field-separator-zero", "z", "set field separator for unaligned and CSV output to zero byte", "", "fieldsep_zero=on") ss(&args.Pvars, "record-separator-zero", "0", "set record separator for unaligned and CSV output to zero byte", "", "recordsep_zero=on") ss(&args.Pvars, "json", "J", "JSON output mode", "", "format=json") ss(&args.Pvars, "csv", "C", "CSV output mode", "", "format=csv") ss(&args.Pvars, "vertical", "G", "vertical output mode", "", "format=vertical") // set bools ss(&args.Vars, "quiet", "q", "run quietly (no messages, only query output)", "", "QUIET=on") // app config _ = flags.StringP("config", "", "", "config file") // manually set --version, see _ = flags.BoolP("version", "V", false, "output version information, then exit") _ = flags.SetAnnotation("version", cobra.FlagSetByCobraAnnotation, []string{"true"}) // manually set --help, see _ = flags.BoolP("help", "?", false, "show this help, then exit") _ = c.Flags().SetAnnotation("help", cobra.FlagSetByCobraAnnotation, []string{"true"}) // mark hidden for _, name := range []string{ "no-rc", "no-psqlrc", "no-usqlrc", "var", "variable", "completion-script-bash", "completion-script-zsh", "completion-script-fish", "completion-script-powershell", "no-descriptions", "bad-help", } { flags.Lookup(name).Hidden = true } // expose to metacmd metacmd.Usage = func(w io.Writer, banner bool) { s := c.UsageString() if banner { s = text.Short() + "\n\n" + s } _, _ = w.Write([]byte(s)) } return c } // Run runs the application. func Run(ctx context.Context, args *Args) error { // get user u, err := user.Current() if err != nil { return err } // get working directory wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return err } // determine if interactive interactive := isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) && isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) cygwin := isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) && isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) forceNonInteractive := len(args.CommandOrFiles) != 0 // enable term graphics if !forceNonInteractive && interactive && !cygwin { // NOTE: this is done here and not in the env.init() package, because // NOTE: we need to determine if it is interactive first, otherwise it // NOTE: could mess up the non-interactive output with control characters var typ string if s, _ := env.Getenv(text.CommandUpper()+"_TERM_GRAPHICS", "TERM_GRAPHICS"); s != "" { typ = s } if err := env.Set("TERM_GRAPHICS", typ); err != nil { return err } } // configured named connections for name, v := range args.Connections { if err := setConn(name, v); err != nil && !forceNonInteractive && interactive { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf(text.InvalidNamedConnection, name, err)) } } // fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "VARS: %v\nCVARS: %v\nPVARS: %v\n", args.Vars, args.Cvars, args.Pvars) // set vars for _, v := range args.Vars { if i := strings.Index(v, "="); i != -1 { _ = env.Set(v[:i], v[i+1:]) } else { _ = env.Unset(v) } } // set cvars for _, v := range args.Cvars { if i := strings.Index(v, "="); i != -1 { s := v[i+1:] if c := s[0]; c == '\'' || c == '"' { if s, err = env.Dequote(s, c); err != nil { return err } } if err = env.Cset(v[:i], s); err != nil { return err } } else { if err = env.Cset(v, ""); err != nil { return err } } } // set pvars for _, v := range args.Pvars { if i := strings.Index(v, "="); i != -1 { s := v[i+1:] if c := s[0]; c == '\'' || c == '"' { if s, err = env.Dequote(s, c); err != nil { return err } } if _, err = env.Pset(v[:i], s); err != nil { return err } } else { if _, err = env.Ptoggle(v, ""); err != nil { return err } } } // create input/output l, err := rline.New(interactive, cygwin, forceNonInteractive, args.Out, env.HistoryFile(u)) if err != nil { return err } defer l.Close() // create handler h := handler.New(l, u, wd, args.Charts, args.NoPassword) // force password dsn := args.DSN if args.ForcePassword { if dsn, err = h.Password(dsn); err != nil { return err } } // open dsn if err = h.Open(ctx, dsn); err != nil { return err } // start transaction if args.SingleTransaction { if h.IO().Interactive() { return text.ErrSingleTransactionCannotBeUsedWithInteractiveMode } if err = h.BeginTx(ctx, nil); err != nil { return err } } // init script if !args.NoInit { // rc file if rc := env.RCFile(u); rc != "" { if err = h.Include(rc, false); err != nil && err != text.ErrNoSuchFileOrDirectory { return err } } if s := strings.TrimSpace(args.Init); s != "" { h.Reset([]rune(s + "\n")) } } // setup runner f := h.Run if len(args.CommandOrFiles) != 0 { f = runCommandOrFiles(h, args.CommandOrFiles) } // run if err = f(); err != nil { return err } // commit if args.SingleTransaction { return h.Commit() } return nil } // Args are the command line arguments. type Args struct { DSN string CommandOrFiles []CommandOrFile Out string ForcePassword bool NoPassword bool NoInit bool SingleTransaction bool Vars []string Cvars []string Pvars []string Charts billy.Filesystem Connections map[string]interface{} Init string } // CommandOrFile is a special type to deal with interspersed -c, -f, // command-line options, to ensure proper order execution. type CommandOrFile struct { Command bool Value string } // commandOrFile provides a [pflag.Value] to wrap the command or file value in // [Args]. type commandOrFile struct { args *Args command bool } // Set satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (c commandOrFile) Set(value string) error { c.args.CommandOrFiles = append(c.args.CommandOrFiles, CommandOrFile{ Command: c.command, Value: value, }) return nil } // String satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (c commandOrFile) String() string { return "" } // Type satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (c commandOrFile) Type() string { if c.command { return "COMMAND" } return "FILE" } // vs handles setting vars with predefined values. type vs struct { vars *[]string vals []string typ string } // Set satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (p vs) Set(value string) error { if len(p.vals) != 0 { for _, v := range p.vals { if strings.Contains(v, "%") { *p.vars = append(*p.vars, fmt.Sprintf(v, value)) } else { *p.vars = append(*p.vars, v) } } } else { *p.vars = append(*p.vars, value) } return nil } // String satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (vs) String() string { return "" } // Type satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (p vs) Type() string { if p.typ == "" { return "bool" } return p.typ } // filevar is a file var. type filevar struct { v *string } // Set satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (p filevar) Set(value string) error { *p.v = value return nil } // String satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (filevar) String() string { return "" } // Type satisfies the [pflag.Value] interface. func (filevar) Type() string { return "FILE" } // chartsFS creates a filesystem for charts. func chartsFS(v *viper.Viper) (billy.Filesystem, error) { var configDir string if s := v.ConfigFileUsed(); s != "" { configDir = filepath.Dir(s) } else { var err error if configDir, err = os.UserConfigDir(); err != nil { return nil, err } configDir = filepath.Join(configDir, text.CommandName) } chartsPath := "charts" if s := v.GetString("charts_path"); s != "" { chartsPath = s } fs := osfs.New(configDir, osfs.WithBoundOS()) switch fi, err := fs.Stat(chartsPath); { case err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) && chartsPath == "charts": return memfs.New(), nil case err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err): fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf(text.ChartsPathDoesNotExist, chartsPath)) return memfs.New(), nil case err != nil: return nil, err case !fi.IsDir(): fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf(text.ChartsPathIsNotADirectory, chartsPath)) return memfs.New(), nil } return fs.Chroot(chartsPath) } // setConn sets a named connection. func setConn(name string, v interface{}) error { switch x := v.(type) { case string: return env.Cset(name, x) case []interface{}: return env.Cset(name, convSlice(x)...) case map[string]interface{}: urlstr, err := dburl.BuildURL(x) if err != nil { return err } return env.Cset(name, urlstr) } return text.ErrInvalidConfig } // runCommandOrFiles processes all the supplied commands or files. func runCommandOrFiles(h *handler.Handler, commandsOrFiles []CommandOrFile) func() error { return func() error { for _, c := range commandsOrFiles { h.SetSingleLineMode(c.Command) if c.Command { h.Reset([]rune(c.Value)) if err := h.Run(); err != nil { return err } } else { if err := h.Include(c.Value, false); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } } // convSlice converts a generic slice to a string slice. func convSlice(v []interface{}) []string { s := make([]string, len(v)) for i, x := range v { s[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s", x) } return s }