Author: Martin Kilbinger
Year: 2022
This is a very brief tutorial about how importance sampling for Bayesian parameter inference. Specifically, it describes the case where an existing sample (e.g. a Monte-Carlo Markov chain) can be importance-sampled to obtain samples under a joint posterior distribution.
For a more general tutorial of Bayesian paremeter inference see the Introduction to MCMC and Bayesian inference linked from CosmoStat Tutorial site.
This tutorial contains a single Jupyter notebook with description and executable code.
In order to run the tutorial notebooks tutees will need to have the following installed:
- Python (require >=3.5)
- NumPy (recommend >=1.16.2)
- Emcee (recommend >=3.1.2)
- Matplotlib (recommend >=3.0.3)
- Jupyter (recommend >=1.0.0)
All of the packages listed above can easily be installed using pip