Simple Github Action for checking if the current commit belongs to a pull request and returning the full PR object if that is the case
Inside a running github action you can't always get the information whether you are currently in a PR or not. If for example the trigger event is pull_request
you have that information but not when your trigger event is push
This action enables you to get the PR no matter which event type triggered the workflow.
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: 8BitJonny/gh-get-current-pr@1.2.0
id: PR
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Verbose setting SHA when using Pull_Request event trigger to fix #16
sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
# Only return if PR is still open
filterOutClosed: true
- run: echo "Your PR is ${prNumber} and its JSON is ${prJSON}"
if: success() && steps.PR.outputs.number
prNumber: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.number }}
# JSON object with the full PR object
prJSON: ${{ }}
# Direct access to common PR properties
prUrl: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_url }}
prTitle: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_title }}
prBody: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_body }}
prCreatedAt: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_created_at }}
prMergedAt: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_merged_at }}
prClosedAt: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_closed_at }}
If you use the pull_request
event trigger, it won't find the assosiated PR for the first commit inside that same PR out of the box.
This article describes why this is, in detail.
A short form of the article's explanation is, that Github creates an extra merge commit before the pull_request
event is triggered for which this action can't find an assosiated PR. The pull_request
trigger for the second PR commit and all following, will again work as expected.
To always find and pass the correct commit SHA to this action use this workflow config:
- uses: 8BitJonny/gh-get-current-pr@master
sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
This will then work no matter the trigger event and no matter if it is the first PR commit or not.
Contributions are always welcome!