Here is a list of all the ciphers Ciphey plans to support. Pick one and implement it please :) <3
Here's how to incorporate it into Ciphey:
Full list of implemented ciphers:
- First letter of every word, first letter of every line, 2nd letter of every word etc (Add support for Nullcipher-like inputs (i.e. NATO Alphabet) #336)
- T9 phone keypad cipher (like the old Nokia phones) (Add T9 decoder #422)
Ciphers / Encodings
- Playfair cipher (Add Playfair cracker #345)
- Badly implemented RSA
- Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher (Add monoalphabetic substitution cracker #347)
- Vigenère Autokey Cipher (Add vigenere autokey cracker #348)
- Beaufort Cipher (Add Beaufort Cracker #349)
- Beaufort Autokey Cipher
- Columnar Transposition Cipher (Add Columnar Transposition cracker #350)
- Railfence Cipher (Add Railfence/Zig-Zag cracker #351)
- Double Transposition (Add Double Transposition cracker #352)
- Base8
- Base58 (both Bitcoin & Ripple alphabets)
- Base85
- Base85 ASCII version (Python library for this)
- Base 62 with alphabet
** (Most link shorteners use this alphabet, and it's the default in CyberChef + the online Base62 decoders) - Vigenere Cipher
- Atbash Cipher
- Base91
- If a text only contains 2 letters X and Y, we may turn it into Binary and see if that works. similarly we could do the same for hex and octal etc
- Minecraft enchanting table (see Add more decryption methods #63 (comment) )
- Base69 (Add base69 decoder #335)
- DNA codons (ATCG DNA letters) (Add DNA codons decoder #354)
- Baudot ITA2 (Add Baudot decoder #355)
- SMS Multi-tap (Add SMS Multi-tap decoder #340)
- DTMF frequency (Add DTMF decoder #424)
- A1Z26 (Add A1Z26 decoder #344)
- Prisoner's tap code (Add support for Prisoner's Tap Code #337)
- Brainfuck (Add Brainfuck interpreter #353)
- ROT47 (Add ROT47 cracker #342)
- ASCII shift (Add ASCII shift cracker #343)
- UUencode (Add UUencode decoder #433)
- Affine (Add affine cracker #346)
- Baconian cipher (Add Baconian decoder #432)
- Soundex (Feature request: Soundex #412)
- Braille (Add Braille Decoder #439)