#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ python interface for asar.dll by randomdude999 Usage: import asar, call asar.init, call asar.patch, then use the various functions to get info about the patch """ import ctypes import enum import sys from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, POINTER c_int_ptr = POINTER(c_int) __all__ = ["errordata", "writtenblockdata", "mappertype", "version", "apiversion", "init", "reset", "patch", "maxromsize", "close", "geterrors", "getwarnings", "getprints", "getalllabels", "getlabelval", "getdefine", "getalldefines", "resolvedefines", "math", "getwrittenblocks", "getmapper", "getsymbolsfile"] _target_api_ver = 303 _asar = None class AsarArithmeticError(ArithmeticError): pass class errordata(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("fullerrdata", c_char_p), ("rawerrdata", c_char_p), ("block", c_char_p), ("filename", c_char_p), ("line", c_int), ("callerfilename", c_char_p), ("callerline", c_int), ("errid", c_int)] def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.fullerrdata.decode()) # for internal use only. getalllabels() returns a dict. class _labeldata(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("name", c_char_p), ("location", c_int)] # for internal use only. getalldefines() returns a dict. class _definedata(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("name", c_char_p), ("contents", c_char_p)] class writtenblockdata(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("pcoffset", c_int), ("snesoffset", c_int), ("numbytes", c_int)] def __repr__(self): return "".format( self.snesoffset, self.pcoffset, self.numbytes) # internal use only. patch() accepts a dict. class _memoryfile(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("path", c_char_p), ("buffer", c_char_p), ("length", ctypes.c_size_t)] # internal use only. patch() accepts a dict. class _warnsetting(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("warnid", c_char_p), ("enabled", ctypes.c_bool)] # For internal use only. class _patchparams(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("structsize", c_int), ("patchloc", c_char_p), ("romdata", c_char_p), ("buflen", c_int), ("romlen", c_int_ptr), ("includepaths", POINTER(c_char_p)), ("numincludepaths", c_int), ("should_reset", ctypes.c_bool), ("additional_defines", POINTER(_definedata)), ("additional_define_count", c_int), ("stdincludesfile", c_char_p), ("stddefinesfile", c_char_p), ("warning_settings", POINTER(_warnsetting)), ("warning_setting_count", c_int), ("memory_files", POINTER(_memoryfile)), ("memory_file_count", c_int), ("override_checksum_gen", ctypes.c_bool), ("generate_checksum", ctypes.c_bool)] class mappertype(enum.Enum): invalid_mapper = 0 lorom = 1 hirom = 2 sa1rom = 3 bigsa1rom = 4 sfxrom = 5 exlorom = 6 exhirom = 7 norom = 8 def _getall(func): """Helper that does the work common to all the getall* functions.""" count = c_int() raw_errs = func(ctypes.byref(count)) errs = [] for i in range(count.value): errs.append(raw_errs[i]) return errs class _AsarDLL: def __init__(self, dllname): dll = ctypes.CDLL(dllname) self.dll = dll self.funcs = {} try: # argument/return type setup # (also verifies that those functions are exported from the DLL) # this is directly from asardll.h # setup_func(name, argtypes, returntype) self.setup_func("version", (), c_int) self.setup_func("apiversion", (), c_int) self.setup_func("init", (), ctypes.c_bool) self.setup_func("reset", (), ctypes.c_bool) self.setup_func("patch", (c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int, c_int_ptr), ctypes.c_bool) self.setup_func("patch_ex", (POINTER(_patchparams),), ctypes.c_bool) self.setup_func("maxromsize", (), c_int) self.setup_func("close", (), None) self.setup_func("geterrors", (c_int_ptr,), POINTER(errordata)) self.setup_func("getwarnings", (c_int_ptr,), POINTER(errordata)) self.setup_func("getprints", (c_int_ptr,), POINTER(c_char_p)) self.setup_func("getalllabels", (c_int_ptr,), POINTER(_labeldata)) self.setup_func("getlabelval", (c_char_p,), c_int) self.setup_func("getdefine", (c_char_p,), c_char_p) self.setup_func("getalldefines", (c_int_ptr,), POINTER(_definedata)) self.setup_func("resolvedefines", (c_char_p, ctypes.c_bool), c_char_p) self.setup_func("math", (c_char_p, POINTER(c_char_p)), ctypes.c_double) self.setup_func("getwrittenblocks", (c_int_ptr,), POINTER(writtenblockdata)) self.setup_func("getmapper", (), c_int) self.setup_func("getsymbolsfile", (c_char_p,), c_char_p) except AttributeError: raise OSError("Asar DLL is missing some functions") api_ver = dll.asar_apiversion() if api_ver < _target_api_ver or \ (api_ver // 100) > (_target_api_ver // 100): raise OSError("Asar DLL version "+str(api_ver)+" unsupported") def setup_func(self, name, argtypes, restype): """Setup argument and return types for a function. name: name of the function in the DLL. "asar_" is added automatically argtypes and restype: see ctypes documentation """ func = getattr(self.dll, "asar_" + name) func.argtypes = argtypes func.restype = restype def init(dll_path=None): """Load the Asar DLL. You must call this before calling any other Asar functions. Raises OSError if there was something wrong with the DLL (not found, wrong version, doesn't have all necessary functions). You can pass a custom DLL path if you want. If you don't, some common names for the asar dll are tried. """ global _asar if _asar is not None: return if dll_path is not None: _asar = _AsarDLL(dll_path) else: if sys.platform == "win32": libnames = ["./asar.dll", "asar", "./asar-x64.dll", "asar-x64"] elif sys.platform == "darwin": libnames = ["./libasar.dylib", "libasar"] else: libnames = ["./libasar.so", "libasar"] for x in libnames: try: _asar = _AsarDLL(x) except OSError: continue if _asar is None: # Nothing in the search path is valid raise OSError("Could not find asar DLL") if not _asar.dll.asar_init(): _asar = None return False else: return True def close(): """Free all of Asar's structures and unload the module. Only asar.init() may be called after calling this. """ global _asar if _asar is None: return _asar.dll.asar_close() _asar = None def version(): """Return the version, in the format major*10000+minor*100+bugfix*1. This means that 1.2.34 would be returned as 10234. """ return _asar.dll.asar_version() def apiversion(): """Return the API version, in the format major*100+minor. Minor is incremented on backwards compatible changes; major is incremented on incompatible changes. Does not have any correlation with the Asar version. It's not very useful directly, since asar.init() verifies this automatically. """ return _asar.dll.asar_apiversion() def reset(): """Clear out errors, warnings, printed statements and the file cache. Not really useful, since asar.patch() already does this. """ return _asar.dll.asar_reset() def patch(patch_name, rom_data, includepaths=[], should_reset=True, additional_defines={}, std_include_file=None, std_define_file=None, warning_overrides={}, memory_files={}, override_checksum=None): """Applies a patch. Returns (success, new_rom_data). If success is False you should call geterrors() to see what went wrong. rom_data is assumed to be headerless. If includepaths is specified, it lists additional include paths for asar to search. should_reset specifies whether asar should clear out all defines, labels, etc from the last inserted file. Setting it to False will make Asar act like the currently patched file was directly appended to the previous one. additional_defines specifies extra defines to give to the patch (similar to the -D option). std_include_file and std_define_file specify files where to look for extra include paths and defines, respectively. warning_overrides is a dict of str (warning ID) -> bool. It overrides enabling/disabling specific warnings. memory_files is a dict of str (file name) -> bytes (file contents). It specifies memory files to use. override_checksum specifies whether to override checksum generation. True forces Asar to update the ROM's checksum, False forces Asar to not update it. """ romlen = c_int(len(rom_data)) rom_ptr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(bytes(rom_data), maxromsize()) pp = _patchparams() pp.structsize = ctypes.sizeof(_patchparams) pp.patchloc = patch_name.encode() pp.romdata = ctypes.cast(rom_ptr, c_char_p) pp.buflen = maxromsize() pp.romlen = ctypes.pointer(romlen) # construct an array type of len(includepaths) elements and initialize # it with elements from includepaths pp.includepaths = (c_char_p*len(includepaths))(*includepaths) pp.numincludepaths = len(includepaths) defines = (_definedata * len(additional_defines))() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(additional_defines.items()): defines[i].name = k.encode() defines[i].contents = v.encode() pp.additional_defines = defines pp.additional_define_count = len(additional_defines) pp.should_reset = should_reset pp.stdincludesfile = std_include_file.encode() if std_include_file else None pp.stddefinesfile = std_define_file.encode() if std_define_file else None warnsettings = (_warnsetting * len(warning_overrides))() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(warning_overrides.items()): warnsettings[i].warnid = k.encode() warnsettings[i].enabled = v pp.warning_settings = warnsettings pp.warning_setting_count = len(warnsettings) memoryfiles = (_memoryfile * len(memory_files))() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(memory_files.items()): memoryfiles[i].path = k.encode() memoryfiles[i].buffer = v memoryfiles[i].length = len(v) pp.memory_files = memoryfiles pp.memory_file_count = len(memory_files) if override_checksum is not None: pp.override_checksum_gen = True pp.generate_checksum = override_checksum else: pp.override_checksum_gen = False pp.generate_checksum = False result = _asar.dll.asar_patch_ex(ctypes.byref(pp)) return result, rom_ptr.raw[:romlen.value] def maxromsize(): """Return the maximum possible size of the output ROM.""" return _asar.dll.asar_maxromsize() def geterrors(): """Get a list of all errors.""" return _getall(_asar.dll.asar_geterrors) def getwarnings(): """Get a list of all warnings.""" return _getall(_asar.dll.asar_getwarnings) def getprints(): """Get a list of all printed data.""" return [x.decode() for x in _getall(_asar.dll.asar_getprints)] def getalllabels(): """Get a dictionary of label name -> SNES address.""" labeldatas = _getall(_asar.dll.asar_getalllabels) return {x.name.decode(): x.location for x in labeldatas} def getlabelval(name): """Get the ROM location of one label. None means "not found".""" val = _asar.dll.asar_getlabelval(name.encode()) return None if (val == -1) else val def getdefine(name): """Get the value of a define.""" return _asar.dll.asar_getdefine(name.encode()).decode() def getalldefines(): """Get the names and values of all defines.""" definedatas = _getall(_asar.dll.asar_getalldefines) return {x.name.decode(): x.contents.decode() for x in definedatas} def resolvedefines(data, learnnew): """Parse all defines in the given data. Returns the data with all defines evaluated. learnnew controls whether it'll learn new defines in this string if it finds any. Note that it may emit errors. """ return _asar.dll.asar_resolvedefines(data, learnnew) def math(to_calculate): """Parse a string containing math. It automatically assumes global scope (no namespaces), and has access to all functions and labels from the last call to asar.patch(). If there was an error, ArithmeticError is raised with the message returned by Asar. """ error = ctypes.c_char_p() result = _asar.dll.asar_math(to_calculate.encode(), ctypes.byref(error)) if not bool(error): # Null pointer, means no error return result else: raise AsarArithmeticError(error.value.decode()) def getwrittenblocks(): """Get a list of all the blocks written to the ROM.""" return _getall(_asar.dll.asar_getwrittenblocks) def getmapper(): """Get the ROM mapper currently used by Asar.""" return mappertype(_asar.dll.asar_getmapper()) def getsymbolsfile(fmt="wla"): """Generates the contents of a symbols file for in a specific format. Returns the textual contents of the symbols file. format specified the format of the symbols file that gets generated. """ return _asar.dll.asar_getsymbolsfile(fmt.encode()).decode()