from glob import glob import torch import os import yaml import numpy as np def mask_op(data, x_min, x_max): mask = (data > x_min) & (data < x_max) return mask def get_mask(pc, lims): mask_x = mask_op(pc[:, 0], lims[0][0] + 0.0001, lims[0][1] - 0.0001) mask_y = mask_op(pc[:, 1], lims[1][0] + 0.0001, lims[1][1] - 0.0001) mask_z = mask_op(pc[:, 2], lims[2][0] + 0.0001, lims[2][1] - 0.0001) mask = (mask_x) & (mask_y) & mask_z return mask def unpack(compressed): ''' given a bit encoded voxel grid, make a normal voxel grid out of it. ''' uncompressed = np.zeros(compressed.shape[0] * 8, dtype=np.uint8) uncompressed[::8] = compressed[:] >> 7 & 1 uncompressed[1::8] = compressed[:] >> 6 & 1 uncompressed[2::8] = compressed[:] >> 5 & 1 uncompressed[3::8] = compressed[:] >> 4 & 1 uncompressed[4::8] = compressed[:] >> 3 & 1 uncompressed[5::8] = compressed[:] >> 2 & 1 uncompressed[6::8] = compressed[:] >> 1 & 1 uncompressed[7::8] = compressed[:] & 1 return uncompressed def augmentation_random_flip(data, flip_type, is_scan=False): if flip_type==1: if is_scan: data[:, 0] = 51.2 - data[:, 0] else: data = np.flip(data, axis=0).copy() elif flip_type==2: if is_scan: data[:, 1] = -data[:, 1] else: data = np.flip(data, axis=1).copy() elif flip_type==3: if is_scan: data[:, 0] = 51.2 - data[:, 0] data[:, 1] = -data[:, 1] else: data = np.flip(np.flip(data, axis=0), axis=1).copy() return data class SemanticKitti( CLASSES = ('unlabeled', 'car', 'bicycle', 'motorcycle', 'truck', 'other-vehicle', 'person', 'bicyclist', 'motorcyclist', 'road', 'parking', 'sidewalk', 'other-ground', 'building', 'fence', 'vegetation', 'trunk', 'terrain', 'pole', 'traffic-sign') def __init__(self, data_root, data_config_file, setname, lims, sizes, augmentation=False, shuffle_index=False): self.data_root = data_root self.data_config = yaml.safe_load(open(data_config_file, 'r')) self.sequences = self.data_config["split"][setname] self.setname = setname self.labels = self.data_config['labels'] self.learning_map = self.data_config["learning_map"] self.learning_map_inv = self.data_config["learning_map_inv"] self.color_map = self.data_config['color_map'] self.lims = lims self.sizes = sizes self.augmentation = augmentation self.shuffle_index = shuffle_index self.filepaths = {} print(f"=> Parsing SemanticKITTI {self.setname}") self.get_filepaths() self.num_files_ = len(self.filepaths['occupancy']) print("Using {} scans from sequences {}".format(self.num_files_, self.sequences)) print(f"Is aug: {self.augmentation}") def get_filepaths(self,): # fill in with names, checking that all sequences are complete if self.setname != 'test': for key in ['label_1_1', 'invalid_1_1', 'label_1_2', 'invalid_1_2', 'label_1_4', 'invalid_1_4', 'label_1_8', 'invalid_1_8', 'occluded', 'occupancy']: self.filepaths[key] = [] else: self.filepaths['occupancy'] = [] for seq in self.sequences: # to string seq = '{0:02d}'.format(int(seq)) print("parsing seq {}".format(seq)) if self.setname != 'test': # Scale 1_1 self.filepaths['label_1_1'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.label'))) self.filepaths['invalid_1_1'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.invalid'))) # Scale 1_2 self.filepaths['label_1_2'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.label_1_2'))) self.filepaths['invalid_1_2'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.invalid_1_2'))) # Scale 1_4 self.filepaths['label_1_4'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.label_1_4'))) self.filepaths['invalid_1_4'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.invalid_1_4'))) # Scale 1_4 self.filepaths['label_1_8'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.label_1_8'))) self.filepaths['invalid_1_8'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.invalid_1_8'))) # occluded self.filepaths['occluded'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.occluded'))) self.filepaths['occupancy'] += sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.data_root, seq, 'voxels', '*.bin'))) def get_data(self, idx, flip_type): data_collection = {} sc_remap_lut = self.get_remap_lut(completion=True) ss_remap_lut = self.get_remap_lut() for typ in self.filepaths.keys(): scale = int(typ.split('_')[-1]) if 'label' in typ or 'invalid' in typ else 1 if 'label' in typ: scan_data = np.fromfile(self.filepaths[typ][idx], dtype=np.uint16) if scale == 1: scan_data = sc_remap_lut[scan_data] else: scan_data = unpack(np.fromfile(self.filepaths[typ][idx], dtype=np.uint8)) scan_data = scan_data.reshape((self.sizes[0]//scale, self.sizes[1]//scale, self.sizes[2]//scale)) scan_data = scan_data.astype(np.float32) if self.augmentation: scan_data = augmentation_random_flip(scan_data, flip_type) data_collection[typ] = torch.from_numpy(scan_data) points_path = self.filepaths['occupancy'][idx].replace('voxels', 'velodyne') points = np.fromfile(points_path, dtype=np.float32) points = points.reshape((-1, 4)) if self.setname != 'test': points_label_path = self.filepaths['occupancy'][idx].replace('voxels', 'labels').replace('.bin', '.label') points_label = np.fromfile(points_label_path, dtype=np.uint32) points_label = points_label.reshape((-1)) points_label = points_label & 0xFFFF # semantic label in lower half points_label = ss_remap_lut[points_label] if self.shuffle_index: pt_idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(0, points.shape[0])) points = points[pt_idx] if self.setname != 'test': points_label = points_label[pt_idx] if self.lims: filter_mask = get_mask(points, self.lims) points = points[filter_mask] if self.setname != 'test': points_label = points_label[filter_mask] if self.augmentation: points = augmentation_random_flip(points, flip_type, is_scan=True) data_collection['points'] = torch.from_numpy(points) if self.setname != 'test': data_collection['points_label'] = torch.from_numpy(points_label) return data_collection def __len__(self): return self.num_files_ def get_n_classes(self): return len(self.learning_map_inv) def get_remap_lut(self, completion=False): # put label from original values to xentropy # or vice-versa, depending on dictionary values # make learning map a lookup table maxkey = max(self.learning_map.keys()) # +100 hack making lut bigger just in case there are unknown labels remap_lut = np.zeros((maxkey + 100), dtype=np.int32) remap_lut[list(self.learning_map.keys())] = list(self.learning_map.values()) # in completion we have to distinguish empty and invalid voxels. # Important: For voxels 0 corresponds to "empty" and not "unlabeled". if completion: remap_lut[remap_lut == 0] = 255 # map 0 to 'invalid' remap_lut[0] = 0 # only 'empty' stays 'empty'. return remap_lut def get_inv_remap_lut(self): ''' remap_lut to remap classes of semantic kitti for training... :return: ''' # make lookup table for mapping maxkey = max(self.learning_map_inv.keys()) # +100 hack making lut bigger just in case there are unknown labels remap_lut = np.zeros((maxkey + 1), dtype=np.int32) remap_lut[list(self.learning_map_inv.keys())] = list(self.learning_map_inv.values()) return remap_lut def to_color(self, label): # put label in original values label =, self.learning_map_inv) # put label in color return, self.color_map) def get_xentropy_class_string(self, idx): return self.labels[self.learning_map_inv[idx]] def __getitem__(self, idx): flip_type = np.random.randint(0, 4) if self.augmentation else 0 return self.get_data(idx, flip_type), idx