A project task was to make small Bash-like command-line interpreter capable of starting binaries, including piped and sequenced execution.
It reads line entered by user, parse it and execute command in a same way as your favorite shell like Zsh, Bash etc.
MyShell also capable of doing redirections with '>' and '<' symblols, allowing to redirect program data into file or file into program. Like "cat < some.txt".
It also include history (use UP and DOWN arrows to navigate previously entered commands), it handles multiple commands execution, either separetad by ';' symblos, or with '|' symbol, which is piped execution (allowing one program transfer data to another) as such as "ls -la | grep somethingsomething".
It was made in a team of me and my pertner.
He made a parser part and I did all the back-end logic, including piped execution, evironment variables handling.
I also programmed command line behaviour with using of Termcap library. It includes replacing currently entered text with another when moving through History with UP and DOWN arrows.
This is a Makefile project
In your Terminal, clone it
git clone https://github.com/BuddhaCola/MyShell.git
cd into it
cd MyShell
and enter
and then lauch by entering