This example is simple todo app built with Aurelia+Redux upon Sense/Net ECM which has been prepared to demonstrate how to use the new Sense/Net ECM related libraries sn-client-core and sn-redux. The app and a steps of the related tutorial are based on two awesome Redux courses of Dan Abramov: Getting Started with Redux and Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux. These two courses are extremely helpful and essential, recommended for everyone who is interested in building scalable apps with Redux.
Before you start, make sure you have a recent version of NodeJS environment >=6.0 with NPM 4 or Yarn.
- git clone
- cd sn7-aurelia-redux-todo-app
- npm install # or: yarn install
- npm start # or: yarn start
This command starts the webpack development server that serves the build bundles. You can now browse the app at http://localhost:8080 (or the next available port, notice the output of the command). Changes in the code will automatically build and reload the app.
This project was generated with aurelia-cli.
To build an optimized, minified production bundle (output to /dist) execute:
npm start -- build
To build
To test either the development or production build execute:
npm start -- serve
The production bundle includes all files that are required for deployment.