- Data engineer/Pyspark developer
- I like to work on various languages and technologies, alongside contributing to some open source projects like https://github.com/javadev/LeetCode-in-Java
- I am always keen to learn new tech stacks and software engeenering tools. Also I am quite active on Problem Solving portals like Leetcode GFG, etc
- 📫 Reach me at aryaman.m09@gmail.com
- I live in India 🇮🇳
- Thanks for visiting 😄. Have a good day.
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Java
- Python
- Linux OS (Ubuntu, Kali)
- AWS S3, EC2, Lambda
- React, React Native
- HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node JS
- Express JS, Mongoose, MongoDB,EJS
- SQL, PostgreSQL
- VSCode, Postman